whoever has the Son has Life, whoever has not the Son has not Life. true believers immersed in Yahshua(Jesus) follow Yahshua, listen to Him, obey Him.
the rcc does not allow members of the rcc to follow Jesus. they do not have the Son. they do not abide in Him.
it is a requirement, and always has been , for generations, for almost 2000 years, to obey the pope, no matter what. the pope is FALSELY presented as if he is in Christ, and he is not, as if he is Christ's or God's representative on earth, and he never , never, never has been. the pope has ALWAYS been a murderer of the saints, of the believers both Jewish and gentile, and of other nations if they refused to be under the pope. this is how it has always been, ever since the rcc started.
i.e. "HERESY". no truth in it. no following of Jesus, no followers of Jesus, permitted. anti- Jesus. anti- Jesus followers. anti- truth.
like a veterinarian who, for 130 years, had a zero percent success treating animals. every animal brought to the vet died. even if they had been healthy.
that's what the rcc is comparible to.
everyone who goes in to the rcc, who trusts the rcc, dies. mainly, of course, because they don't trust Jesus. those who begin to and finally do trust Jesus, like martin luther and charles chiniquoy and all the members of charles chiniquoy's congregation, LEFT THE RCC (and THUS SAVED THEIR SOULS) because they were required to. light and darkness cannot have fellowship together.
the rcc has a lot in agreement with the world, as it belongs to the world, and to the prince of the power of the air in the world....
it has no submission to Christ Jesus, nor life in Him.
instead of representing Christ Jesus, they always totally deceive everyone that they can deceive, and never lead anyone to the truth. (God can, certainly, but the rcc doesn't even allow God or His Name inside their buildings, services, or gatherings, not written, nor verbal).
re richard wurmbrand pointed out in his journey that Yahweh used the various groups , even those not in Him, i.e. the rcc, to direct his steps,
but the various groups, i.e. the rcc, could not "bring me to Christ, because they had not Christ". God directs all things, like He did egypt, babylon, persia, and other heathen nations to punish or discipline or help at various times His Chosen People.... that means not at all that the heathen are saved nor that they are in Christ Jesus.
so, for identifying the truth. for searching for , learning about , and discussing the truth, "come out of her MY PEOPLE" , to avoid the certain punishment and judgment God has decreed for the heresy, come out of her and live.