If calling someone a heretic is not condemning someone. then I do not know what is.
I am not condemning you. I have never condemned you. this is not even a salvic issue. so I do not know what your going of the deep end for.
as for your many likes. that means nothing. Look at my reputation. Does that make me more knowledgeable? No. If we go off how many likes someone gets, we are in danger. and not looking to the right things.
Again, You can noy discuss the word if your going to call someone a heretic. Discussion is you showing your view. if you disagree, you just disagree, or discuss why, calling someone a heretic is condemning them.
So it is just the remnant? it is not all Israel? Does not paul say in romans 11 that when the end comes ALL ISREAL WILL BE SAVED?
Now how can you say the woman is Israel (remnant or not) and then claim jerusalem is the harlot?
other than that I agree with everything else you said. Yes, the abomination of desolation has not yet occured. the final beast will commit that when he breaks the covenant made with the many.
And God will protect Israel. so ALL Isreal can be saved (as he has been doing since AD 70) which will anger Satan, who will go after the church.
lol. and? does that mean it is the temple stuff of that temple? Your adding alot to it. The merchants of the world are getting filthy rich on those things today as we speak. and that have been for the last 2000 years. why do you think they will mourn?
see there you go. Not trying to discuss. but making an ad hominem attack and judging things.
I thought you wanted to discuss the word?
news flash bud, I have been studying this topic for close to 30 years. I am not ignorant of what revelation teaches. we may not agree, but that does nto mean I am ignorant