Well, I do not believe in Works Salvationism. I believe works are a result of accepting God or the free gift. God does the works within a believer. However, do you need to realize that even free gifts come with some level of responsibility if you want to keep them.
For example:
If I give you a brand new car (tax free) that does not mean that you can be irresponsible with that gift. You can't run red lights, plow thru pedestrians, text and drive, drink and drive, ignore general maintainence on your car and still expect to keep your free gift. Most gifts require some kind of care involved at some point.
For example:
If I give you a brand new car (tax free) that does not mean that you can be irresponsible with that gift. You can't run red lights, plow thru pedestrians, text and drive, drink and drive, ignore general maintainence on your car and still expect to keep your free gift. Most gifts require some kind of care involved at some point.