Lol to the Twilight comment,yes the character seemed pretty stunned.So I agree with you mostly.I'd just like to make two points.I annoys me when society tells us what we want in the bedroom.That we need to be liberated to say what we want.I'm just recently married and I can tell my husband what I want.I dont want him watching 50 Shades to try and figure what I want,or apparently another female favorite "Magic Mike".
This leads into my second point that men and especially young men are seeing this going on and thinking a woman wants to be beat and raped for his pleasure and gratification.
And young women are being taught that if he chooses you over all the others to be his sex object you ought to be ecstatic with that.
He stalks you like prey and thats a compliment.
I hate to be too vulgar,and perhaps I am,but women fought for the vote and burned bras for "equality" and now their being taught their best work is on their knees.
This tripe is why we have collage boys gang raping young women and seeing nothing wrong with it.
Woman are treated with less respect today in many ways then 50yrs ago.My grandmother was known as "Mrs.So and So". Now days women are suppose use stripper poles for "exercise".
Once again women are nothing more than sexual objects as far as society is concerned.
Look, women are free to do what they like in our society. That's the bottom line really.