I just got done watching this video "Stephen Fry on God" and once again this guy has really annoyed me!
What an absolutely naive moron!!
He doesn't know anything about the bible AT ALL and yet refutes Gods existence because of the "bad things" in the world.
His reasons for not believing in God? Bone cancer in children. The parasite wasp that grows in a childs eye and eats its way outwards.
He says that the misery in the world is "not our fault" and that how dare God create us! How dare He! It's not right he says.
Apparently God is a capricious, mean-minded and stupid maniac God Who is not worthy of our respect and if we "banish" God, our lives will become simpler and purer and more worth living.
Will someone get up and tell this man WHY there are bad things in the world!!
Will someone please tell him that these things exists because of what we done way back in the garden of Eden.
That all pain, death, suffering (even wasp parasites and bone cancer in children) is because of that.
Someone please tell him not to "lean on his own understanding" which is abysmal and small. I know some 7 year olds that understand more about life on earth than this depressed man does! Yes, he used to be very depressed check his bio.
His arguments are sooo weak! God can't exist because there is evil in the world? Sorry but come on!!
All evil in the world is OUR fault. NOT God's fault!
He created everything that is for His pleasure not ours!
This bad things that exist, bone cancer in children, parasitic wasps, death and even bad jokes only exist because of our own actions in the garden of Eden. We must suffer a little while because of it, but we will not always suffer for one day all pain and sorrow and even death and bad jokes will be consumed up forever.
Let us pray for Stephen Fry that he might come to know the truth that is in Jesus Christ!
Psalm 19:1 - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the stars show off His amazing work.
Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Should we start a "Reasons for Gods Existence" thread? I already have some reasons off the top of my head. How live is so complex and organized. How the human cell works. How the moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the Sun and placed into such a position that when it lines up with the earth it creates a beautiful solar eclipse. Water; odorless, tasteless, yet nothing can live without it. The eye. The brain. I could go on and on or I could find some more in Google.
Here's one for Mr Stephen Fry. Dear Stephen, have you considered the panda bear? Scientists can't understand what a panda was, before it was a panda. It's a living fossil. Usually animals show change (albeit most minor) through millions of years. Yet panda's show no change what so ever. Something scientists and Ethology and Zoology experts can't explain!
I can't find the article now but here's one that explains how its odd that panda's which have a pseudo thumb but have no real skills and have managed to survive for so long without any help from a higher power. This animals roots cannot be traced back to anything that would suggest it evolved from.
That's because it didn't "evolve", it was created a panda to be a panda by God.
Anyway back to Stephen Fry, its so sad that this man sits there so self-righteous and claims that God doesn't exist because of the bad things in the world yet has never read the bible in his life.
What can we say to such people?
I personally believe that he doesn't believe in God because he got clinically depressed and wanted to take his life. He probably couldn't understand how God could do that to him and let it happen to him. I know because its happened to me. I sometimes have dumb thoughts creeping up in my mind that God doesn't exist because of the rubbish things thats happened to me or that is happening in the world. But then I remember why they are happening and give thanks to God because He is sovereign.
God has let these things happen for reasons we cannot yet fully understand. Like, why doesn't God just destroy all evil in the world? Well there's coming a time when that will happen but in His time not in ours.
Sorry rant over. But come on man! Such naive views that is almost borderline laughable. Go read the bible!!!
God bless us.
What an absolutely naive moron!!
He doesn't know anything about the bible AT ALL and yet refutes Gods existence because of the "bad things" in the world.
His reasons for not believing in God? Bone cancer in children. The parasite wasp that grows in a childs eye and eats its way outwards.
He says that the misery in the world is "not our fault" and that how dare God create us! How dare He! It's not right he says.
Apparently God is a capricious, mean-minded and stupid maniac God Who is not worthy of our respect and if we "banish" God, our lives will become simpler and purer and more worth living.
Will someone get up and tell this man WHY there are bad things in the world!!
Will someone please tell him that these things exists because of what we done way back in the garden of Eden.
That all pain, death, suffering (even wasp parasites and bone cancer in children) is because of that.
Someone please tell him not to "lean on his own understanding" which is abysmal and small. I know some 7 year olds that understand more about life on earth than this depressed man does! Yes, he used to be very depressed check his bio.
His arguments are sooo weak! God can't exist because there is evil in the world? Sorry but come on!!
All evil in the world is OUR fault. NOT God's fault!
He created everything that is for His pleasure not ours!
This bad things that exist, bone cancer in children, parasitic wasps, death and even bad jokes only exist because of our own actions in the garden of Eden. We must suffer a little while because of it, but we will not always suffer for one day all pain and sorrow and even death and bad jokes will be consumed up forever.
Let us pray for Stephen Fry that he might come to know the truth that is in Jesus Christ!
Psalm 19:1 - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the stars show off His amazing work.
Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Should we start a "Reasons for Gods Existence" thread? I already have some reasons off the top of my head. How live is so complex and organized. How the human cell works. How the moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the Sun and placed into such a position that when it lines up with the earth it creates a beautiful solar eclipse. Water; odorless, tasteless, yet nothing can live without it. The eye. The brain. I could go on and on or I could find some more in Google.
Here's one for Mr Stephen Fry. Dear Stephen, have you considered the panda bear? Scientists can't understand what a panda was, before it was a panda. It's a living fossil. Usually animals show change (albeit most minor) through millions of years. Yet panda's show no change what so ever. Something scientists and Ethology and Zoology experts can't explain!
I can't find the article now but here's one that explains how its odd that panda's which have a pseudo thumb but have no real skills and have managed to survive for so long without any help from a higher power. This animals roots cannot be traced back to anything that would suggest it evolved from.
That's because it didn't "evolve", it was created a panda to be a panda by God.
Anyway back to Stephen Fry, its so sad that this man sits there so self-righteous and claims that God doesn't exist because of the bad things in the world yet has never read the bible in his life.
What can we say to such people?
I personally believe that he doesn't believe in God because he got clinically depressed and wanted to take his life. He probably couldn't understand how God could do that to him and let it happen to him. I know because its happened to me. I sometimes have dumb thoughts creeping up in my mind that God doesn't exist because of the rubbish things thats happened to me or that is happening in the world. But then I remember why they are happening and give thanks to God because He is sovereign.
God has let these things happen for reasons we cannot yet fully understand. Like, why doesn't God just destroy all evil in the world? Well there's coming a time when that will happen but in His time not in ours.
Sorry rant over. But come on man! Such naive views that is almost borderline laughable. Go read the bible!!!
God bless us.
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