Lucy is a hominid, specifically named Australopithecus afarensis (e.g. A. afarensis) that Neo-Darwinists believe gave rise to Homo habilus from which they hypothesize that modern humans ultimately emerged.
Side note: Evolutionists also assert a group called the robust australopithecines emerged as an evolutionary side branch from A. afarensis that are not part of the supposed human lineage.
Now, scientists recovered an A. afarensis jawbone in 2002 and immediately the popular media published exactly the same content they're publishing with this latest find... almost word for word. But subsequent analysis of the specimen showed that it resembled a gorilla rather than a human.
What this meant was that the jawbone anatomy resembled robust australopithecines not humans meaning that it was a dead end and there was no evolutionary pathway from A. afarensis (e.g. Lucy) to modern humans.
You see paleoanthropologists interpret hominids within an evolutionary framework and most of them adhere to general evolution as ardently as an orthodox Muslim does Islam. So, now they have a new jaw bone and are claiming the exact same thing they claimed with the one in 2002... word for word.
Hominids belong to the animal kingdom. God never endowed them with the Imago Dei. Despite some similarities,
all of them are materially distinct from modern humans in cognitive capacity, behavior, "technology", "culture," etc...
Wasn't this a intentional attempt to deceive people? Or is this where they found bones over a mile away and tried to claim they was from the same source?