Many people who have unhappy marriages, even if they both claim to be Christians, Do not have God in their lives. Then they sit back and wander "Why me God?", or "Why do i have a spouse like this God?" or they will pray to God to help their marriage?
Everyone is Wanting, wanting, wanting from God. Tell me what do you do for God?
Is it not written if you draw close to God, He will draw close to you?
How is it most want God in their life, but only if they don't have to be in HIS?
If then God is not in your life, or in your marriage, it stands to reason that the problem is you are not in HIS.
I John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Do you LOVE your spouse? God is LOVE, if you want God in your marriage, then start LOVING your spouse, REGARDLESS if you are getting it back in return.
Did Jesus LOVE us expecting us to LOVE Him back?
When you stand before God on Judgement Day, you will be judged based on how you LOVED your spouse, NOT how your spouse did not love you.
The problem with this generation, is they have a 50/50 mentality. = "I will love him, as much as he loves me" or "Why should I love her, if she does not love me?" or "Why should i do ____________ for my spouse, when my spouse does not ___________ for me?"
You want to please God, YOU give 100% despite what percentage you are getting back for doing so. YOU will have to answer to God, So YOU be the best spouse that you can be, and please God.
Do you want God in your marriage, yet God in not in your life? Do you go to Church? Are you involved in a Church?
The Word of God teaches us how we can LOVE God. It says, when you do it to the least of these you do it unto Me (Jesus) Therefore the question is, Do you do for others? Do you give to charities? Do you help the hungry, Do you give to the needy? Do you volunteer your time good causes? Do you work in a soup kitchens for the homeless? and a hundred other things you can DO for OTHERS. What? You don't do none of those things? Then how is it a shock that God is not in your life or your marriage? If you draw close to Him, He will then draw close to you. But the last days generation takes thought that if God draws close to them, then they will draw close to God.
Think you are unhappy, you will find the True meaning of the word, when you start helping the less fortunate.
Don't get me wrong, i know people have serious problems in their lives, but if people would only understand what is most important, they would not let the trivial stuff bother them near as much. The most important thing is "Where are you going to go when you die?" Everything else, according to the big picture, is irrelevant, and in the words of Ecclesiastes, it's all vanity. How can i express this better.
A child gets a blanket for birthday, the child loves that blanket more than anything in his life, he plays with, he sleeps with it, he eats with, where he goes the blanket goes. Try to take that blanket away from him, and his world comes to an end, he cries, can't sleep, pouts, depressed, unhappy, sad, just right down miserable, to that child the blanket was EVERYTHING.
But we being adults knows that that blanket is nothing, it is not important in the big picture, it may be important in that child's life at the time, But we as adults knows it is only temporary.
An woman gets married and has children, the wife loves her husband and kids more than anything in her life, she tries to be the Best Mother to her children, she tries to be the best wife to her husband Try to take that marriage away from her, because the husband cheats on her, or there is no more love in the marriage, or whatever other reason there is, and her world comes to an end, she cries, can't sleep, pouts, depressed, unhappy, sad, just right down miserable, to that woman, her marriage was EVERYTHING.
But we being Spiritual knows that that marriage is nothing, it is not important in the big picture, it may be important in that woman's life at the time, But we as Spiritual knows it is only temporary.
All the problems that happens in a person life, all the tribulations, all the trials, is nothing but a blanket to that child. Everything you hold on too in this life, is but a blanket. The child could not see past his present situation. The adult could not see past her present situation. The Big Picture. We will live for ever, for all eternity. Imagine your whole life is but a grain of sand, that grain of sand represents a hundred years. Now think that everything on the Earth, turns to sand, the entire planet is nothing but sand, each grain of sand is 100 years. Now take that planet of sand and multiply that by a billion times a billion other planets which are all made of sand, all that sand is but a vapor of smoke in ETERNITY. Now tell me, that single grain of sand, that is your life, compared to all the sand mentioned above, how important is what is happening to you during that single grain of sand, compared to the amount of sand we are going to live here after? It is trivial, minute, vanity, it is a blanket. One day that child with the blanket will realize, that the blanket they though was so dear to them, so important to them, was just a mere blanket. One day the Saints will realize, that all the things they thought would make them happy on Earth, and that was so important to them, was a mere blanket.
Once you realize that everything in this life, is but a blanket, you will see the Big Picture and the Truth will be revealed to you.
Is God in your Marriage?
If He's not, i assure you it is not God's fault.
Everyone is Wanting, wanting, wanting from God. Tell me what do you do for God?
Is it not written if you draw close to God, He will draw close to you?
How is it most want God in their life, but only if they don't have to be in HIS?
If then God is not in your life, or in your marriage, it stands to reason that the problem is you are not in HIS.
I John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Do you LOVE your spouse? God is LOVE, if you want God in your marriage, then start LOVING your spouse, REGARDLESS if you are getting it back in return.
Did Jesus LOVE us expecting us to LOVE Him back?
When you stand before God on Judgement Day, you will be judged based on how you LOVED your spouse, NOT how your spouse did not love you.
The problem with this generation, is they have a 50/50 mentality. = "I will love him, as much as he loves me" or "Why should I love her, if she does not love me?" or "Why should i do ____________ for my spouse, when my spouse does not ___________ for me?"
You want to please God, YOU give 100% despite what percentage you are getting back for doing so. YOU will have to answer to God, So YOU be the best spouse that you can be, and please God.
Do you want God in your marriage, yet God in not in your life? Do you go to Church? Are you involved in a Church?
The Word of God teaches us how we can LOVE God. It says, when you do it to the least of these you do it unto Me (Jesus) Therefore the question is, Do you do for others? Do you give to charities? Do you help the hungry, Do you give to the needy? Do you volunteer your time good causes? Do you work in a soup kitchens for the homeless? and a hundred other things you can DO for OTHERS. What? You don't do none of those things? Then how is it a shock that God is not in your life or your marriage? If you draw close to Him, He will then draw close to you. But the last days generation takes thought that if God draws close to them, then they will draw close to God.
Think you are unhappy, you will find the True meaning of the word, when you start helping the less fortunate.
Don't get me wrong, i know people have serious problems in their lives, but if people would only understand what is most important, they would not let the trivial stuff bother them near as much. The most important thing is "Where are you going to go when you die?" Everything else, according to the big picture, is irrelevant, and in the words of Ecclesiastes, it's all vanity. How can i express this better.
A child gets a blanket for birthday, the child loves that blanket more than anything in his life, he plays with, he sleeps with it, he eats with, where he goes the blanket goes. Try to take that blanket away from him, and his world comes to an end, he cries, can't sleep, pouts, depressed, unhappy, sad, just right down miserable, to that child the blanket was EVERYTHING.
But we being adults knows that that blanket is nothing, it is not important in the big picture, it may be important in that child's life at the time, But we as adults knows it is only temporary.
An woman gets married and has children, the wife loves her husband and kids more than anything in her life, she tries to be the Best Mother to her children, she tries to be the best wife to her husband Try to take that marriage away from her, because the husband cheats on her, or there is no more love in the marriage, or whatever other reason there is, and her world comes to an end, she cries, can't sleep, pouts, depressed, unhappy, sad, just right down miserable, to that woman, her marriage was EVERYTHING.
But we being Spiritual knows that that marriage is nothing, it is not important in the big picture, it may be important in that woman's life at the time, But we as Spiritual knows it is only temporary.
All the problems that happens in a person life, all the tribulations, all the trials, is nothing but a blanket to that child. Everything you hold on too in this life, is but a blanket. The child could not see past his present situation. The adult could not see past her present situation. The Big Picture. We will live for ever, for all eternity. Imagine your whole life is but a grain of sand, that grain of sand represents a hundred years. Now think that everything on the Earth, turns to sand, the entire planet is nothing but sand, each grain of sand is 100 years. Now take that planet of sand and multiply that by a billion times a billion other planets which are all made of sand, all that sand is but a vapor of smoke in ETERNITY. Now tell me, that single grain of sand, that is your life, compared to all the sand mentioned above, how important is what is happening to you during that single grain of sand, compared to the amount of sand we are going to live here after? It is trivial, minute, vanity, it is a blanket. One day that child with the blanket will realize, that the blanket they though was so dear to them, so important to them, was just a mere blanket. One day the Saints will realize, that all the things they thought would make them happy on Earth, and that was so important to them, was a mere blanket.
Once you realize that everything in this life, is but a blanket, you will see the Big Picture and the Truth will be revealed to you.
Is God in your Marriage?
If He's not, i assure you it is not God's fault.