It's really easy to feel like you're alone when you struggle with something like this. While i have never had any issues with depression, i've suffered from anxiety since i was a child.
Like you said, it's a struggle every single day. I'm exhausted, and i know you are too. It takes almost all of my energy just to fight my anxiety/panic attacks, so by the end of the day i have nothing left.
That's why i love this place. It's a great distraction from all of that. I can come here and talk to people and it just makes life a little easier to deal with.
BelieveinChrist i know you said you refuse medication. I did for awhile too, but after 16 or 17 years i couldn't do it anymore. I started taking medicine for some relief and while i got a very minimal amount it did nothing to really help my anxiety or panic attacks subside. So i started doing something called Biofeedback. I don't know if you've heard of it. It helps you deal with anxiety/depression/PTSD/chronic pain without the use of medication. I was really skeptical at first, but at that point and still at this point i will do near anything to make this stop.
During biofeedback they attach electrodes to your forehead and neck, then put a band around your finger to measure your skin temperature. The electrodes on your forehead and neck are to measure your muscle tension. If you tense any muscle in your body it will be picked up. All of the readings (muscle tension/skin temperature) will be displayed on a computer in front of you. Then a doctor leads you through different ways to relax yourself. And how to control your muscle tension and skin temperature. I know it may sound weird, but there's nothing strange or new age about it. It's just showing you how to relax and focus enough to be able to relax.
It was super hard at first, because anyone with anxiety knows that focusing and relaxation are almost near impossible when you're anxious.
Anyway, that's just an option since i know you said you won't take medication. And just know you're obviously not in this alone. It's always encouraging to know other people are in this too.