Okay as I promised BethanyNichole here are the books that changed my life with my struggle with anxiety.
I was given this book by my old psychologist. Title: The voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz. This books author is from the Toltec tribe which are from Mexico and I promise you though if you read and look past any of his spiritual beliefs you don't believe in then it WILL change the way you see anxiety forever.
The second book is straight up to the point about anxiety and panic attacks. Title: Anxiety & Panic Attacks Their cause and Cure by Robert Handly . This book will help you understand what's really going on when your experiencing these feelings.
Hope you find these books as helpful as they where to me. If you need help understanding anything in the books I can try to help I think I have read them both at least twice.
I was given this book by my old psychologist. Title: The voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz. This books author is from the Toltec tribe which are from Mexico and I promise you though if you read and look past any of his spiritual beliefs you don't believe in then it WILL change the way you see anxiety forever.
The second book is straight up to the point about anxiety and panic attacks. Title: Anxiety & Panic Attacks Their cause and Cure by Robert Handly . This book will help you understand what's really going on when your experiencing these feelings.
Hope you find these books as helpful as they where to me. If you need help understanding anything in the books I can try to help I think I have read them both at least twice.