First, I really don't think it is just me. I can't think of anyone who honestly can explain the justice or goodness of God roasting the wicked for all eternity for a finite amount of crimes they done against Him. Does that sound like ....
"God is love" to you?
It doesn't have to be just you. There are those who explain, but maybe you just don't accept the explanation because you fundamentally just don't like the idea of Hell. It's okay to admit. I don't like it either; that's why I accept salvation. Hell is a choice; they made their bed, they lay in it. You want them to have mercy, which I'd say is probably coming from a good place and a good heart. But they were offered mercy like the rest of us and they
rejected it. The question shouldn't be why "God [roasts] the wicked for all eternity" but why the wicked chose to roast for all eternity, when they didn't have to and could just as easily have chosen not to. Put the challenge where it belongs, that's all.
God is most definitely love. That's why
there's a way to avoid Hell. By accepting one's salvation. You act as if Hell is unavoidable, but God has made a way for us to live with Him for eternity where it was not possible before.
What you do here, in your finite time on Earth, where all things good or bad are finite, will affect how you spend eternity. So the fact that the crime was finite and the punishment is eternal just doesn't seem to be pivotal to me in determining whether Hell is moral. Especially considering that the good we do is just as finite and the glorious reward (Heaven) is also eternal. So Heaven should be unfair or unjust to you by the same logic, that the consequence is much greater and longer-lasting than the act. So if that is not unfair or unjust to you by the same logic, then that just goes back to you simply not liking the idea of Hell.
We are undeserving of Heaven, but we can be there because of Jesus. We are deserving of Hell by our sin. We may think that Hell is harsh for our actions, but we just don't make the rules. We don't get to decide what's harsh. If anything is unfair, people should be pointing out how Heaven is way better than we could ever deserve or earn, but people just don't seem to be having a problem with that unfairness in our favor and that overwhelming manifestation of God's love for us.
God is just either way.
I really don't know how else to put that for you, because if you think Hell is immoral, that's gonna be what you think regardless of who explains or how many explain to you. And I'm not trying to put you down by saying that, I'm just saying that perhaps your idea of Hell right now is hindering you from understanding why Hell exists and how God is good and just for it.
Second, Romans 2:14 says, "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:" Meaning, many unbelievers know what is right and wrong. For God designed people to have a conscience or a moral compass within them. In time, often this moral compass gets darkened because of sin.
I'm sorry, I'm just not sure what you're meaning to say in regards to my post with this verse. Are you saying that because people's moral compass gets darkened because of sin, that Hell is unjust? I don't want to put words in your mouth. But if that is what you're saying, then it sounds like you're just taking the heat off people for their own sin, which inevitably has consequences.
You keep going back to God torturing people, when those people would belong to Satan because they chose him over God. So
Satan does with those people what he wishes. God let them choose that, but it was their choice. God didn't make us robots; people are responsible for what they choose through their God-given free will. Hell is a
choice. People do that to
themselves. They chose to take a punishment that was already taken for them by rejecting the One who took it for them.
If you were tortured, whipped, publicly humiliated, with nails driven through your hands and feet, a crown of thorns on your head, and left there in agony to die slowly on a cross for someone
else's sin (which is already an act of unimaginable love) and then that person just outright
denied that entire ordeal...please tell me all about how you would be better than God Himself and welcome that ingrate into your house with open arms? And please tell me how you should be considered unloving and unmerciful for not doing so after
giving your life and paying it all for that person, so that they could have eternal life your Heavenly house that you did not have to offer to them at all?
People in Hell didn't want Jesus' salvation, so they didn't get it. Plain and simple.
In other words, if I told you a dictator had punished your family for lying to a diplomat within his country and they decided to torture your family for the rest of their lives for such a crime, would you think that such a thing was fair and just? No, of course not. Then why on Earth would you think God would torture people way beyond what the crime calls for?
So the dictator negotiating to offer a way out for your family to be free changes the type of wrong justice he was going to do upon your family?
I don't think so.
Sin calls for Hell, and the people (of the Bible and today) were notified of this. I'd have no reason to think that the person in your example is fair and just. Why should I? Who are they? And what makes their justice different from mine, another human's? God doesn't serve wrong justice. He always give people a chance to get right with Him. They are made aware of the consequence of continuing in their sin, and they make a choice to stop or to continue and suffer that consequence. Either way, they make an
informed decision.
It's always informed.
That's more merciful than man's law I'd say, because to us, ignorance of the law doesn't excuse anyone. But God always informs. He sounds more merciful and just than us to me.
I hope for this coming Easter that you begin to understand Jesus' sacrifice (the punishment and torture that He most certainly did not deserve, but no one seems to point out as unfair) as the merciful and loving way out of the Hell you feel is so immoral and unjustified.
I've explained enough, and I don't want to end up beating a dead horse.