Being cheated on is one of the hardest things to go through because you feel so rejected, it hits at your self esteem, you wonder why you weren't good enough, you hope that they contact you to show they cared about you, you can feel physically sick for weeks and have dreams about them and wake up and think about them all day long and wish you could see them and talk to them and get answers and you hate them but you love them so much and sometimes you even feel like you will put up with it, you will take them back if they only tell you they love you.
It's devastating at first. You wonder if you will ever get out the other side. You think about the past so much and you can even try to contact them and make yourself look pathetic and desperate even though THEY are the ones who've done something to you.
You really need to break contact and keep it that way. You'll have days when you can't get through it without crying or being angry or thinking about the person... Other days you'll hardly think about them and seem like you'll be fine. Then you might even miss them after weeks and want to contact them. But you shouldn't. You should work on yourself. You should draw nigh to God. You should spend time with people who love you, and I mean LOVE you.
And most importantly, you should remember you have a future and that everything is in motion to bring you to the future. God doesn't have plans to put you through heartbreak unless it's for a big reason. Like the quote says, He wrecks your plans when He sees your plans are about to wreck you. He orders our footsteps. We need to trust Him more. He knows what He is doing. Know that you WILL look back on this moment and say "Thank you Lord for getting me out of that, even though I didn't want to be out of it, even though I cried and didn't think I would get through it, thank you for being with me all the way and for being my personal manager."
Even when we have done things wrong, He still loves us and is working in our lives. To have hope for the future, and a trust in God, that is what helps in our desperate times. How do you know He will get you through? Cos He got you through before.