Bibles, Guns, & the Second Amendment
Let me start this off with a contraversial question and a Biblical Answer:
Luke 22:36 (HCSB)
[SUP]36 [/SUP]Then He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money-bag should take it, and also a traveling bag. And whoever doesn’t have a sword should sell his robe and buy one.
Yes they had violent crimes back then, too. In fact that is why Barabas was in jail awaiting his execution. Therefore, I certainly do believe it is Biblical to buy a weapon for self defense. Yes I believe the Second Ammedment rights should remain in tact, unaltered, and protected, and Yes I am a member of the NRA. I have been a hunter and/or sports shooter since I was 12 years old. My Dad bought me my first shotgun (a single shot .410) when I was 12, and spent most of that day repeatedly going over gun safety rules and every thing I needed to know about that weapon. And over the next few weeks he would test us to see if we remembered them. A couple weeks later, with permission, I walked across to a neighbor's field by myself, and came home with two pheasants, for the family supper. I was proud as a peacock.
NEVER in my life have I intentionally pointed the barrel of a weapon at anyone. Those safety rules are still with me, and have become second nature. I know there are gun accidents every year, and I believe, there is but ONE cause, somebody violated one or more safety rules. I also know, there is an explosion in violent crimes, in these latter days. BUT I BELIEVE that is a result of how their parents raised them or not raised them, these days. I also believe limiting legally sold guns or ammo, will SOLVE NOTHING, because; MOST criminals steal or buy their weapons illegally from someone who did steal them. And those who do break into homes to steal weapons, ALSO take the ammo too. What we do not need is more gun laws. What we need to do is spend the extra money to put more police officers in the field, enforcing the gun laws that are already on the books. How about giving the police the authority to use a simple infared camera to see if the gangsters standing on the street corner have weapons under their coats. Yes that costs more money, but what is more important, spending our tax dollars here, or abroad.
2 Timothy 3:1 (NKJV)
[SUP]1 [/SUP]But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
{That greek word that translates to perilous in English, can ALSO BE TRANSLATED VICIOUS.}
I know there are some who will be shocked by my position on this issue facing our Nation today, and some will heatedly oppose my view. So go ahead, hurl rocks if you must, and I will pray that God turns them into soft ones. I believe it is primarily a man's job to protect the family, but there are things a woman should know too, in case she is home alone, when there is a forced entry. Vicious times have come, and YES it is biblical to defend yourself and family. They were not buying those swords as a fashion statement.