A little drama at the end of my work day:
One of the developmentally disabled participants left his backpack in the car of the support staff. Big deal, right? Wrong! This family makes a big issue out of everything. Mistakes such as these are intentional in their book, and the details are prone to exaggeration and hyperbole. So this family member got very upset with this and called my boss demanding that the worker drive back and deliver it. The guy lives over an hour away, so that wasn't going to happen, but takes an inventory of the items - nothing the guy can't live without over the weekend. My boss calls me in to his office and explains the situation to me, knowing that I have a knack for getting this unreasonable family member to cooperate.
Since lunch packing items were in the backpack, I suggested that our company buy a somewhat healthy lunch at a local sandwich/salad and a cup of coffee for him in the morning (his travel mug was also among the contents). Boss liked the idea, but then there was a pregnant pause in his office...
"You want me to make the call, don't you?"
"I'm so glad you offered, Steve!"
I made the call. Satisfied family member...Happy boss...My title of "The Crazy Whisperer" remains intact.