I will make another attempt to get a few followers of the TRUTH, every just one.! Please read Yahshua's old post, as I quoted it in post 1304 and my comments. If you agree with my words, then state it and we will restart this study based upon the TRUTH of God's SOVEREIGN control of salvation of his elect ones. Paul is very clear that God's purpose is to make us holy before He forgives our sins in Justification; So Sanctification of the Spirit,God, comes before Justification from God. The saved Jews and Gentiles of Rom chaps 1:1-17 & in ch. 2:10-29 are in stark contrast to the lost Gentiles of ch.1:18-32 and the lost Jews of ch.2:1-29. If no one will acknowledge the true bases of salvation,which is the sanctifying work of the Spirit, Of the New birth of the Spirit in Rom. chs,1&2, I will not go on to Justification in Ch. 3. Love to all, Hoffco , Pastor Doug.
psychomom said:
my brief recap of the first three chapters;
chap 1--everyone's bad
chap 2--everyone's bad
chap 3--ellie is bad...
take it from there.
ps-- good work, Elin!
love you!
It bears repeating. . .
Recap of 25 gospel principles from Ro 1:1-6:4:
1) Grace was given to
Paul to (call, thereby bringing about in
others) obedience of faith. (1:5)
2) The
gospel is the power of God
to salvation to everyone that believes,
a) salvation is the
forgiveness of sin (Lk 1:77), which
saves from God's wrath (Ro 5:9)
at the final judgment,
b) it reveals a righteousness
from God (Ro 1:17, 3:21), a
free gift (5:17), that is through faith
grace, not by obedience.
This righteousness = justification = declared guiltless,
position of right
standing before God.
cause of justification (
position of right standing) is
faith only.
result of justification (
position) is actual
sanctification, through the
obedience of faith. (1:16-17).
3) God's wrath is shown by giving men over to their sin, by judging (punishing) sin
with increased sin. (1:18)
4) God judges
according to
truth (2:2), for those who hold the truth in unrighteousness,
according to
deeds (2:6-11), for those who possess the Mosaic law, and
according to the
light one has (2:12-15), for Gentiles who do not possess the Mosaic law. (2:2-16)
5) Jews had the advantage of the word of God and the law, but they were not
saving advantage of true faith. (3:1-2)
6) Though Israel was
unfaithful to God, God is
faithful to his promise to punish sin
and unbelief. (3:3-5)
7) God
cannot be
unjust in bringing his wrath on unbelief, even if unbelief
God by bringing out his righteousness more clearly, for Scripture states that he is
just judge of the world who can do no wrong
(Dt 32:4; 2Ch 19:7; Job 8:3, 34:10-11, 36:23; Ps 119:137; Eze 18:25; Da 4:37, 9:14).
If he were
unjust, how could he be the
just judge of the world? (3:6)
8) God has shut up all men in sin. (3:19)
9) God is both
just in
requiring penalty for sin, and the
justifier in
providing the payment
of the penalty. (3:26)
10) Righteousness through faith, apart from the law, has always been the teaching
of the OT (Ge 15:6). (3:28)
11) We do
not "establish the law" by being made righteous according to it. That is anti-gospel.
We "establish the law" in the NT by establishing the right use of the law,
we don't overthrow the law, we establish its standing by setting it on the right basis;
i.e., although we cannot be saved by it as a covenant, we submit to it in Christ's two
commandments (Mt 22:37-39), which are
subject to the law of grace. (3:31)
12) Salvation is the forgiveness of sin (Lk 1:77),
which removes our guilt and God's wrath on it at the final judgment.
We are saved from the wrath of God at the final judgment, by forgiveness of our sin,
not by works of obedience. (4:8)
13) Circumcision was not an action (work) required to confirm faith.
Circumcision was a sign only, given as a seal to guarantee one's righteousness by faith,
apart from works. (4:11)
14) Those under the law cannot be heirs to the promise because
inheritance by law keeping makes faith worthless, and
law keeping effectively voids the promise, by disqualifying everyone and producing
only wrath. (4:14-15)
15) The promise can be guaranteed only if it is based on faith, because basing it on
law keeping can result only in wrath (Gal 3:10), it cannot result in fulfillment of the promise.
Righteousness by faith was guaranteed by the sign of circumcision (4:11), and the
promise is guaranteed by grace through faith (4:16).
16) True saving faith is the conviction of belief, which obeys. (4:20)
17) Jesus rose from the dead as the firstfruits of the resurrection of all believers,
as proof that he was who he said he was, Christ the Redeemer, of his people
from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) by forgiveness of their sin (Lk 1:77),
through faith in him (Jn 3:16, 18, 36).
The resurrection shows that Jesus' sacrifice (death) was accepted as atonement for sin (Ro 3:25) and,
therefore, we have, indeed, been justified (declared guiltless, position of right standing before God)
by his atoning death.
Christ's blood was poured out (Lk 22:20) on the ground at the base of the cross (Jn 19:34, 36-37),
just as the animals' blood was poured out on the ground at the base of the altar
(Lev 4:7, 18, 25, 30, 34).
Christ was physically resurrected, not so he could take his physical blood into a physical sanctuary
to physically sprinkle it on physical things (no physical blood, it had been poured out on the ground).
The heavenly things (gospel graces for the redeemed) of Heb 9:23-24 were purified by his Spirit,
the Holy Spirit, when
his work was finished,
his Spirit departed at his death (Jn 19:30),
returned to God, and
established the gospel graces of his atoning death for the redeemed.
And those graces are now applied by him in his living resurrected body, through his Spirit (Ro 8:27)
in the presence of God (Heb 9:24), where he ever lives to intercede for us (Ro 8:34; Heb 7:25).
Christ's death atoned for sin (Ro 3:25),
and his life now applies that atonement to the redeemed in justification (position of right standing)
by faith alone. (4:25)
18) We are justified (position of right standing) by faith, apart from any other actions of obedience,
as was Abraham (Ge 15:6). (5:1)
19) We are saved. . .from the wrath of God at the final judgment, because we have been
justified (declared guiltless, position of right standing before God) through faith in Christ's
blood (Ro 3:25), which is his atoning death. (5:9)
20) Since God saved us from his wrath through justification (declared guiltless, position of
right standing before God) by Christ's atoning death, he shall also save (sanctify, glorify) us
through Christ's resurrected life, who ever lives to intercede for us (Heb 7:25; Ro 8:34). (5:10)
21) Although sin was not taken into account between Adam and Moses
when there was no Mosaic law to transgress,
yet all mankind died as the result of sin (Ro 6:23).
So for what sin were all men held guilty and subject to death, when sin was not taken into account?
They were all held guilty of Adam's sin. (5:12-17).
22) Just as the one act of trespass and disobedience of the first Adam
made the many sinners
and resulted in their condemnation,
so the one act of obedience and righteousness of the second Adam
made righteous and justified
position of right standing, guiltless before God) the many.
Man was both
made a sinner and
made righteous,
not because of what man did, but because of
what Adam and Christ did.
Man is born a sinner and unrighteous, because of Adam's sin "imputed" to him at natural birth (Ps 51:5).
Man is justified, made righteous (
position of right standing, guiltless) because of Christ's righteousness
"imputed" to him at spiritual rebirth. (5:18-19)
23) Just as sin was increased by the law, so grace was increased by sin (5:20-21).
So in 5:12-21:
our own sin/sinfulness is not the ground for our condemnation,
it is our guilt of
Adam's sin that condemns us (Ps 51:5),
the very nature with which
we are born (sinful) condemns us (Eph 2:3); and
b) our own obedience/sanctification is not the ground for our justification (position of right
standing, guiltless), it is the righteousness of
Jesus Christ's obedience to death that
justifies us, through
faith alone, which is the burden of Ro 4 and Ro 5. (5:12-21)
25) Baptism is the
when and
how of our
death to sin.
When: in our union with Christ in baptism, which is a union in the
benefits of his
How: by
entering into the
purpose of his death - to redeem us
from sin,
- - - -by
living according to the
model of his death - who died
for sin,
- - - -by being
raised with Christ - to die
to sin. (6:1-4)[/QUOTE]