Aside from translational issues that is precisely what I am saying. I do not really care which translation you consider, the original language texts are the standard against which ALL translations must be measured.
Have you ever contemplated the possibility that the old testament is the mythology of the tribes that lived in that part of the world and later was written and finally converted in the old testament.
Many of you have pointed out how it contains the word of God accommodated to fit the cultural practices of those days. this idea of accommodating God to the practices of the day humanises God and shows how the old testament contains multiple legends.
-The order in the Creation, being the more evident that the earth is created first, then the stars, and the plants are created first then the Sun.
-Two creations of man, one generic (both sexes), the other Adam first the eve (Adam mean just man, and Eva mother)
-The Idea that men was created perfect, perfect beings do not fail.
-God repented to create man, bad design. not bad should came out of a perfect being.
-The story of the flood, (which exists in most cultures, because is was the effect of the melting of the last ice age, and flooded hundred of km of land close to the ocean, and is still flooded today, the myth is that covered the whole planet.)
-The laws of Moses that describes how to legally rape a prisoner of war and then abandon her if you wish.
-The law of how to sell your daughter as a sex slave, giving just after the 10 commandments in the same event as the 10 commandments, mean while the Israelites are in the desert being feed by God so no extreme poverty exists.
-The story of Jacob (I am out of order myserf, I am just a human), That beat God in a whole night wresting match, God wants the match to end hurts Jacob in the leg, and does not want to be there on the day. Jacob says that He saw God Face to Face.
-The story of Samson, who only Likes philistine woman, and makes a bets to make some wealth, but reveals to the woman and then goes and breaks the commandment of not to kill, and not to steal and steals from the philistines, then goes to a prostitute, then sees Delilah... then knowing the concecuences reveals his secret (for sexual gratification? speculation) .... end up being the first suicidal hero en history.
-The Story that under the influence of the Spirit of God, a man Makes a vote to burn whaever he sees a live when returning home if he wins the battle, this Israelite sees his own daughter first, and end up burning her as a sacrifice to God, to fulfil his promise. (horrible story)
-The story of the levite who prefers to give his concubine to be raped to risk his own integrity, the woman dies, most likely of cold, it shows the low value of woman in that society, Lot wants to do the same in the story of Sodom. The sodomites in the story of the levite where israelites of the tribe of Benjamin.
These are enough to show my point, I am not against God, But showing the reality that God let this people use legends and mythes to teach them as Jesus used parabols, but somehow people turn them in dogma, and this is why the earth have 6000 years and we have all kinds of contradictions, And this is why we could spend the rest of our lives arguing.
The most evident fruit of the imperfection in the book , is the thousands of churches and believes that has generated.