Yep. And the two are substantively identical. The bits where it doesn't quite line up are easy to spot, and don't change what to believe or how to live. The issue at stake is not whether God's word is inspired or infallible, or whether the prophets and apostles wrote under inspiration, but whether or not human copyists were guaranteed in every case to get it 100% (which is a different issue to whether or not copyists correctly passed on the substance of the Scriptures)
the TORAH has reportedly by comparison remained unchanged even in just one letter for over 2000 years. the Jews in Ethiopia were isolated almost that long and thought they were the only ones on earth according to a televised report or on the web,
and when they were 'discovered' by the outside world, and when they rejoiced discovering Jews elsewhere, recently(relatively),
they compared their TORAH with the TORAH in Jerusalem, and found that they were IDENTICAL in every letter.
as for the rest of Scripture, written after TORAH, and in the BIBLE , there are some rather distressing changes that cannot be understood at all in english or western thought. we cannot even begin to learn here on the internet about these changes, because so few people want to know the truth. but anyone who seeks and keeps on seeking the TRUTH from YAHWEH , HE GLADLY reveals the TRUTH TO, completely in line with ALL of HIS WORD, exactly as HIS WORD says.
i.e. keep seeking. from YAHWEH (GOD), the TRUTH, and if HE permits(in HIS WORD there are conditions as well as it is written that Yahweh does as He pleases; He has mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy, and HE hardens the heart of whomever HE chooses to harden their heart.
it is written HE is perfect and just and righteous also; HE IS TRUSTWORTHY. men are corrupt.