Hey everyone I'm new to this site I've been trying to find a place to ask my questions and find some kind of clarity. About a week ago I decided to try and abstain from sex with my bf I've been feeling god tugging at my heart telling me I'm not doing right. But now my issue for a while now is sex is supposd to be this gift to married people a way of them renewing their vows and promises over and over and I understand that and I understand why god wants us to wait ao we don't use and abuse it am end up with damaged emotions and pregnancy or stds. But the way the church talks about sex makes it feel like it's dirty or bad and they send us out to the world with all these negative feelings toward sex so how are we supposed to enjoy it once we are married if we were conditioned to have all these bad thoughts attached to it how can sex truly be a gift when we are married. I read this article last summer because I was also considering being abstinent then and it was on this girl who was born and raised in a baptist church and all they preached to her was don't have sex it's bad it's a sin you will go to hell so she waited till marriage and now she struggles with sex she can't enjoy it with her husband she has to go to therapy and now she is completely against the teachings of second in a church because they damaged here when she thought of sex even while married she only remembered evil and all the other things that she was taught to keep her abstinent. Now I'm a preachers kid and I was raised in the church but my church kind of just avoided sex I just don't like the teachings of sex in the church I'm pretty sure that's not how god wants is to be taught or to feel and carry that feeling into marriage. After reading that article I completely changed my mind about waiting but now I want to try I just don't want to end up like that poor girl. How can I prevent that how can I change the image of sex in my mind without lusting for it is scaring us the only way to ensure we stay abstinent ?
I'm sorry it's so long I just feel like in the times we live in now this topic is so big
I'm sorry it's so long I just feel like in the times we live in now this topic is so big