There seems to be an assumption when the word 'submission' comes up that it must have something to do with the husband grinding his wife beneath his heel, being domineering or unloving toward her.
But 'submission' doesn't have to occur in some negative abusive scenario such as this. A woman can willingly submit, joyfully obeying her Lord as she submits to her own husband.
If a man wants his wife to submit to him, it need not necessarily be out of some motivation to dominate or abuse her, or to satisfy some aspect of his own will. the man who knows, appreciates, and values the scriptures will want to have a godly home. He will want his wife to walk closely with the Lord and obey his word, including in areas that relate to the home, such as respecting her own husband or submitting to her own husband.
It is not wrong for someone who is a manager to correct a disobedient employee who ignores his directives and remind the employee not to behave in this manner. It is not wrote for a parent to teach his or her own children to obey and honor father and mother. Parents are obligated to teach their children these things along with other aspects of the word of God. This need not be done out of some sinful motive to domineer or abuse the children. It can be done out of a desire that the children grow up well-behaved, walk in fear of the Lord, and the desire that the home operate in a godly manner. Why would a man who reminds his wife that she is to submit to her husband therefore, have to do so out of a bad motive? Why would it be wrong to recognize error in sermon that tells women only to submit if their husbands are loving them as they should?
Telling a husband to love his wife is good. Telling a husband if he loves his wife as Christ does, that she is guaranteed to submit as scripture teaches is a foolish conclusion. Why? Because women are people, too, and women are capable of sin.