How old do you think the earth is?
And why do you think that?
One, I am born by the Spirit, so I have had my eyes open to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ and how the reality is - This is not my own accord and I cannot intellectually win someone into Salvation - That's God and God alone.
The bible itself is a world view, a way of interpreting the world around us. If we look through the lens of Scripture we see how the world actually is, and that is verified over and over again.
I didn't always believe Genesis as a Christian, because I struggled with Evolution, I got saved in my Geology undergraduate program. A friend of mine challenged me, and I couldn't just put my ideas onto scripture and make them fit. That's Eisegesis, had to take my pride, and by faith - I prayed that God would show me a soul satisfying, intellectually satisfying answer
Faith - Believing the word of God, and acting upon it, no matter how I feel because God promises a good result.
It was through my master's program writing a paper on the myth of the Scientific method, and a history and philosophy of Science course that God really used to shape my thinking in this area.
I take Him at His word, when it says in 6 days God Created. If you do the genealogies it's roughly 6-10,000 at best.
I don't believe the world looks old - we are brainwashed to think that way - Renew your mind according to Scripture