I've gotten the gasp and eye roll from pretty much every person I have this conversation with (Christian or not) when I say I am a submissive wife to my Master (husband). The truth is I have always had a submissive type of personality and spirit. I do my best everyday to submit to God and my Husband.
This means, I wake up and do my daily devotional and pray, I then kiss Master awake and make food while He chooses our clothes for the day. I sometimes will draw Him a shower then clean the house. It is these things, but mostly it is about listening to Him if He tells me no for something I trust that He has my best interest in mind. This is a rare occurrence though. Being a submissive wife to me is also not arguing withMaster if iI don't like something. There are times where He will for instance leave clothes about the house instead of putting them in the basket, instead of arguing I simply ask "I know you work a lot to give me and us a good life and home and you're tired at night but next time can you please put your clothes in the basket?" And He apologizes and picks up His own mess.
It is about trust, love and honesty. I don't understand why some people think that women being this way is somehow wrong.
This means, I wake up and do my daily devotional and pray, I then kiss Master awake and make food while He chooses our clothes for the day. I sometimes will draw Him a shower then clean the house. It is these things, but mostly it is about listening to Him if He tells me no for something I trust that He has my best interest in mind. This is a rare occurrence though. Being a submissive wife to me is also not arguing withMaster if iI don't like something. There are times where He will for instance leave clothes about the house instead of putting them in the basket, instead of arguing I simply ask "I know you work a lot to give me and us a good life and home and you're tired at night but next time can you please put your clothes in the basket?" And He apologizes and picks up His own mess.
It is about trust, love and honesty. I don't understand why some people think that women being this way is somehow wrong.