you're carrying on posting with carnal men.
look what happened to joseph in the OT. try to find anything in joseph that yahweh considered sinful. (i don't think you'll ever find it)
look at all or practically all the examples of faith yahweh breathed in, and breathed the writers to put in the OT and the NT. the men, the women, the prophets, the apostles,
many of them prisoners. many slaves. men and women of faith ("sawn asunder" (i.e. painful))
do not focus on the ideas of carnal men(opposed to yahweh).
rather focus on yahweh. seek his face. be hungry for FOR HIM, thirsty for HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, always seeking HIS WORD (in person, in spirit, in prayer continually).
men (and women) just keep making fools of themselves when they go by society standards, or man's or woman's standard, or any 'worldly'/ or emotional/ or 'feelings' standard of any kind.
seek yahweh's standard. yahweh's word. yahweh's way. directly from yahweh, by grace in yahshua.
if you can, if yahweh permits, that is the only way someone may know the truth --
as yahshua said plainly,
as yochanan the immerser said plainly,
and yahweh's word (SCRIPTURE) says plainly.
yahweh made all things simple , HIS WORD is pure and true. men messed it all up(and still do).
If you focus on the women's role, of her submitting to her husband, and do not acknowledge the man's role as a husband ........