Brody, you said you rushed into marriage to do right by God, and have had a rough go since. Now you are tempted by a seductress. Let me put this in simple terms, you have a habit of thinking with the wrong head. If you truly have a heart for God then put to death the desires of the flesh. Men all claim these to be natural feelings and desires, fair enough but everything in nature dies naturally. Christ died unleashing the the Holy Spirit which if we align ourselves to His purposes strengthens us supernaturally. Flesh is flesh, so recognize it as such. Your "need to breed", is a carnal instinct, nothing more. Do not overestimate the power of the flesh. If you feed your desires, through fantasy and flirting, allowing her to build your ego, then it will grow. Starve it and feed your spirit, by praying, fasting and loving your wife. This will conquer the flesh. I get it I do, your wife can be a thorn in the flesh. There are women you just can't satisfy. This isn't about her. Love her and pray for her but thinking your happiness is an entitlement is Satanic. She may never be your ideal woman. News flash, no woman is. Even if she seems like that when you get together or get married, she will change. Life, hormones, stress, kids, incompatible love language will cause this dream girl to become your worst nightmare. But, lets face it, we all change. That doesn't mean you find a new dream girl to repeat the cycle. You deal with it and adapt, hopefully with God's help. This is not a rebuke, just some helpful Christian advice. Man up and quit acting like a horny teenager. Storms will come and storms will go. Some will last longer than others, but they will pass. In light of eternity, this life is like a blink of the eye. Stay strong brother! I've been married 17 years with more than enough storms. Sure I've been tempted but I can tell you I have no regrets about remaining faithful.