Dearest MissCris,
Oh Honey, have I ever lived in those pants. Mind, I don't know you well, and how well I know that one's online persona can be a bit larger than they might be in a group of strangers, but lemme tell ya: You are really quite cool. Yeah, you might be a bit (or a lot) bigger than everyone else, and I KNOW how that feels. But those people not only like you, some of them probably love you and would love for you to stop trying to squeeze your awesomeness into a tiny space so you fit in. You fit in you are being your authentic, awesome self. They love you for who you are, not what size your pants are. I'm glad that you are choosing to go and be loved on and to love on others. That's awesome.
Mostly, I just wanted to cheer you on. YOU CAN DO EET!