Good morning!! Happy 4th of July!! Or if you prefer, Independence Day!! It's going to be fabulous!!!!!!!!!
Oh ow...ugh, I'm utterly exhausted and reeeeally not in the mood for coffee. Trying the "fake it till you make it" approach up there with all the excessive excitement thrown in...yeahno. Not. Working.
(10 minutes later)
I completely forgot I was trying to post. I set my phone down to go check on the ants in the kitchen. Relax, they're in a farm. Or habitat, if you want to use fancy words. We got it for my son and he thinks it's the most awesome thing ever...and it Is pretty neat, full of blue gel instead of sand, complete with LED lights that change color! ...yeah. But the gel didn't set up quite right and the ants are all just wandering around on top of it looking a little lost and confused. I guess I'd feel the same way if someone kidnapped me and shoved me into a small tube with a bunch of other people and then mailed us across the country and then released us into a plastic box full of slightly watery Jello.
Anyway. What the heck was this post about? Who knows. I've got coffee now.
But really, hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend.