I partially agree with pretty much everyone on this thread.
First of all, we are all adult Christians who are here to support each other and not bring each other down. We get enough of that from the world.
I do think it's very sad what Bruce Jenner has done to himself. I do think we ought to pray for the fellow. Just look at all those pictures of himself as a 'woman.' Does he look happy to you? I didn't think so. He obviously has serious issues and you know that God loves him too. So we just need to keep him and everyone else struggling with those thoughts in our prayers.
It does suck that, like Mitspa said, it's basically being pushed down our throats and we can't do much about it. All we can do is pray and hope to God that he has mercy on the United States for passing such blasphemous laws.
It also sucks that our own president praised Bruce for doing such a thing. It sucks that we get called homophobic or bigots. Like I said we get enough hurt from the world. We don't need that in here! Maybe we can be there for each other through this difficult time. Because it really is a difficult time right now in the world.
I also wanted to add that I think both Ugly and Blue Ladybug are great people. They have both helped me deal with my problems and for that I am grateful. We shouldn't try to bring each other down, guys. It's not Christlike.