The spiral downward continues: Update. Husband had to go in work early this morning - doing bosses job since boss is on vacation. He seemed short again this morning - so told him I really wanted to talk this thing out between us, the tension, etc OR I thought it may be a good idea for us to go to a counselor to help us work through this. His response "counseling ..for what??"
Explained that we both seem to be tense, walking on eggshells and that since Monday, he has been distant, short with me and giving me the feeling that he is upset with me. He started getting "loud" and told me that he did exactly what I wanted him to do and he shut down his facebook so that there could be no communication with him and the Honduras family. I explained that I didn't ask him to do that at all, that I only told him how her messages and pictures of herself were making me feel and that I felt she was beginning to cross lines. I never ask him to stop communicating completely with them. He just about screamed and told me that I basically told him that he was leading her on, he didn't want me to feel that way, so he shut it down, its done and over with and he is not talking about it anymore.
Whew! Talk about adding tension now? We have an event at church (summer lunch program) tonight and he said he was not going, that I could go, but that he is not. He said they don't need us there. They have plenty of people (and they do). But it was something we always enjoyed on Thursday nights.
Next, I asked him if I could come to his work (he has to stay at office with boss gone, he is only one there) and have lunch with him today. He said it didn't make sense for me to waste gas driving there for lunch.
I really feel defeated. I checked into some counseling around here, but its $338 a session ... he won't want me spending that kind of money because we are in the financial peace program paying off debt and just about there, so thats a huge expense (for someone who says we don't need any counseling).
What do I do? I am lost. Truly lost. Praying and praying and praying is happening --- but i still seem to be sinking. (oh, by the way, this is not his normal behavior at all. Normally, he is happy go lucky and has been since we found church together last May ... so this is out of the ordinary for him to be so angry)