Clearly your grammar is suspect. But then you are only 15(?). The subject of a sentence is the noun concerning which the following verb is spoken. For example 'the man sat on the wall'. The man is the subject of sat. 'The employee of the prince sat --'. In this case the subject of the verb is 'the employee'. Thus the previous SUBJECT to the 'he' in 9.27 is THE PEOPLE of the prince who will come (which in Hebrew would become 'he' as a composite noun.). It is your position which is ridiculous.
It sounds like you've recently changed your understanding then. Instead of Christ making His new covenant in 9:27, now it's the Romans who have made? Or will make? a covenant with.......Israel? Or us Gentiles?
If the Romans made a covenant having anything to do with 7----7 seconds, 7 minutes, 7 years, 7 ice cream flavors----with Israel......or with Spain or with broccoli or with anybody---around AD 30, or 33, or 34, or 35 or 37 or 70, or 70 B.C..............or anytime in all of history, I'd love to read about it from you. All because---or regardless whether---the word 'they' exists in Aramaic or Hebrew.
... the Hebrew allows us to see Him as making the covenant before He is cut off.
In 9:26 Messiah is cut off. In this sequential passage on 'weeks.' In 9:27, therefore, we travel backwards to BEFORE 9:26? Apparently you allow the Hebrew to allow you to read anything you prefer.
But I see you are firm with your interpretation of Daniel here----that even though 70 sevens are apportioned for DANIEL'S people (Judah/Israel) and Jerusalem----Christ's new covenant is here with Gentiles also. Thus changing the object of the apportionment in 9:24. And, to you, the 70 sevens are over, although the new covenant had/has nothing to do with 'one seven' (9:27)? Do either the Hebrew.............or our imagination.........allow us to interpret 'one seven' to......mean anything in the universe we want it to mean? Like: at His Last Supper, Christ made His new covenant................forever...therefore 'seven' in Hebrew means 'forever'? (Similar maybe to how '1000' in Revelation 20 means '2000,' or any other 'long time'?)
One (true) reason that the 70 sevens are not concluded yet is that Israel as a nation has rejected Messiah's propitiation so far. But the covenant in 9:27, as 9:27 all by itself can make clear to an unbiased reader, is made by Christ's Opposite. The Desolator. That's why his work is 'abominations.' That is not a positive (complimentary) noun here. following your interpretation.........when you're ready can you share how you think Messiah 'replaces the sacrifice and the oblation with abominations of the desolator, even until the complete poured out upon the desolator'?
In fact, the covenant isn't made before Christ's death, nor is it made by Christ.
Strange I thought He made a new covenant in the Upper Room. Must have been someone else with the same name.
Here's your opportunity again. 'And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week...'
Just that part (to start)---------where is one week in the Upper Room Covenant?
you mean you force [Scripture to] confirm Daniel?
Matthew 24:15-16 quotes Jesus saying
'Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him who reads understand), then let those in Judea flee to the mountains...'
So since Christ makes His firm new covenant with the many for one seven (whatever a 'seven' is), in 9:27; and in the middle of the seven (whatever a seven is), Messiah caused Judaism's OT worship to cease (in AD 30? AD 70? Which one? Both?);
then when or how does Messiah replace Judaism's OT temple worship with abominations of the desolator?
According to EJ Young.............Christ is the abominations of the desolator?
The abomination of desolation spoken of by Jesus comes in [Daniel] 11.31 and 12.11.
Please forgive me for attempting to probe. To learn from the 'highest scholarship.' (Kind of like learning from Gamaliel or other Pharisees and geniuses?) Do you or EJ say then that the abomination of desolation in 9:27 DIFFERS from that of 11:31 and/or 12:11? Is an 'abomination' Messiah Himself, in 9:27...............but then an idol or anti-Messiah in 11:31 or 12:11 or Matthew 24:15?
We are told why the Jewish worship ceases. It is because the city and sanctuary have been destroyed. And that happened in 70 AD.
But that happened in Daniel 9:26. And so that is why you revert 9:27 back in time to way Before 70 AD? 40 years before 70 AD.
If 69 of the 70 sevens (whatever sevens are to you-----are they periods of time? Are they ice cream flavors? Are they tv shows? Are they books?) ---- but anyway: if 69 of them finished before, or at the point that, Messiah was cut off; and the one seven in 9:27 actually was somehow part of the 69 (flavors? math problems? animals?) because it (somehow) refers to the Upper Room; then where in Daniel 9:25-27 is the 70th seven? Where in history is it? What and where in the universe, or in God, is it? Is it EJ's or your reading that 70 sevens really means 69 sevens, or that 69 sevens = 70 sevens?
Thank you for the help Valiant