Yeah I saw it but I don't have a spare $12,500 to spend on an oven right now. I would only use it once every two months anyway.
But when I'm cooking a batch of 14 to 20 loaves of sourdough bread, putting a space heater in a spare bedroom to let them rise, putting them in a standard kitchen oven four loaves at a time, timing the loaves in the hotroom so the last ones won't be deflated by the time they get around to baking... I often think how nice it would be to just stick a large batch of sourdough in a professional convection oven, let them all rise there and bake them all at once.
Ah well... so why do you do liners anyway? What are you making that standard crisco around the sides and bottom of the pans doesn't cut it? I'm not being smart-alec, I'm sincerely curious.