Re-read your quote as you just lied.....I came across a post the other day where someone made a comment about hearing what I had to say on the subject and you mouthed me behind my back, told them you understood what they were confused and made mouthy comments about what I believe and teach.....
I as well as many have quoted verbatim many verses that prove your theology false and you like Jason listen to no one but your own misguided erroneous interpretations....Just like the Matthew verses you twisted out of context yesterday...saying they LOST their salvation and denying that Jesus said verbatim he NEVER KNEW THEM which means they were NEVER SAVED to begin with.....your very stance makes Christ out to be a liar and your too blind and full of pride to acknowledge your wrong!
They brought you up in the discussion, not me, and said if you were around you would give the truth in those scriptures.
I told them the truth that me and you have already had discussions and you have misused a number of scriptures in our debates, as you still are doing even though by scripture interpreting scripture proves your stance to be wrong.
I was not sarcastic, call you names, belittle you, or even condemn you in my response, so trying to flip this around to say I lied is false and a way to try and wiggle out and take the focus off your own issues in the faith. There is a big difference in saying mouthy comments and being honest and saying to another I have already had discussions on this issue with a person they brought up.
By your understanding you have quoted scriptures to prove me wrong, and those few others that you speak of come from the same OSAS background as well that you speak on, so their understanding and misuse of scripture would be the same also.
Matthew 10:22, and
Matthew 7:21-23 is not taking out of context and
Hebrews 10:36 proves this.
Jesus telling them He never knew them is in context to
Matthew 10:33, 25:31-46, that if you deny Him before others He will deny you before the Father. In
Matthew 25 Jesus says one way to deny Him is by denying others help who are in need, showing that denying Him runs deeper then just simply unbelief.
So my stance does not make Jesus out to be a liar because He did exactly to those in Matthew 7 what He said He would do if you deny Him by your actions.
(Titus 1:16)
Professing Jesus as your Lord is not enough if your actions do not show it as well !!!