Married ladies,...what will make you fall for another man other than your husbands?
NOTHING... absolutely NOTHING.
I infer from your question you are trying to gain "understanding" to why your wife cheated. The basic answer is because she wanted to. I already mentioned previously how many moral/ethical barriers she had to ignore and reason away to get to the moment of the actual "act" and there after had NO CONSCIENCE against repeating the "act" over a period of months.
This in no way is a "it just happened" kind of thing... like she was stuck in a broken elevator with a man and they got to talking and the tension and fear of the emergency turned to companion/comfort and he took advantage of her vulnerability and it charmed her clothes off" then they got out of the elevator and she was like... OH MY! what have I done!
No that isn't how it was, she enjoyed the pleasure and privilege of being COMPLETELY trusted by you. Had all the personal freedom, nice home, family, hard working husband WHO PROVIDED for her... likely most anything she wanted that you could afford. Full freedom in her private pursuits and pleasures.... except it wasnt enough and instead of saying, "I feel dissatisfied" or " I am lonely" or " I want to spice up things" or "I am whatever" and turning to her husband ... Who is the ONLY LEGITIMATE OR RIGHTFUL PERSON TO TURN TO... she went looking elsewhere.
Teddy she has not only betrayed your marriage and trust, but your children, family, your church family. She committed adultery against another woman and that family TOO. She employed the "actor friends" her lover and employees of business to try to cover up her sin... EVEN after she was initially confronted.
She has been USING other people as her "story" to be have trysts... I wonder what LIES she told the friends at church when she wasn't at the meetings she was supposed to be at... when they noticed her absence and asked?
I am not rehashing over this scenario to cause you pain... I DO however want to be CLEAR, that her sin is much bigger and worser than a "private matter" some have sort of alluded it to be. True the lurid details are private... but the depth and breadth of her SINNING all over the place in conjunction with this affair IS NOT PRIVATE.
This is the real dilemma for some of us commenting to you... we understand and want you to heal... but you MUST be clear the distinction between "sorry she got caught" and "truly repentant"... which in the scripture are distinquished as "worldly sorrow" and "Godly sorrow" respectively.
Godly sorrow brings forth fruit worthy of repentance... that means she would recognize the colossal sinning across the board and be willing to expose it thru confession..... not beg you with apology and be fearing what people will think and wanting you to cover it up and keep it secret. That said I am not saying you take out a billboard in town making a declarartion but there are some very necessary steps that should happen in this case.
1) decide how to inform your older children... if they don't know already they surely know something is up... do not let them formulate their own idea... it could be worse than the truth. This is being being honest in the home and demonstrating leadership and FORGIVENESS.
2) figure out what YOU need in practical terms to allow YOU to begin healing the broken trust. If that means you keep the "spyware" for a while so be it. If it means she goes NO WHERE without a child with her for a while, or some other method of accountability that's fine too. If you dump facebook, or open a JOINT page... whatever it takes. If she is truly repentant she will understand and agree to the measures you put in place to begin restoring your trust in her. If it is all too oppressive for her to abide... well you might want to reconsider what kind of "sorry" she is.
3) the church needs to know... at least the elders... and she should lose her position of leadership or whatever sanction the eldership counsels with you.
4) she should write a letter of CONTRITE APOLOGY to the wife of the other man.... and of course NEVER have any contact with him again.
Those are the four things I can think of to get you moving in the direction of Honoring God through actions and beginning the restoration process.
Whatever "talking" goes on between you and your wife is your relationship of private matters but the above steps are practical and biblical principals.