By looking at the surface of what is going on here... Lihle, It sorta looks like you are shaking your fist at Willi-T and declaring you are "FINE" in what you are doing on your OWN.
I would like to you take a minute and consider What the word of God says...
1Cor. 11:9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
Gen. 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
I read in these scriptures that, WOMAN was created for man. I happen to believe God, so that said, when I refer back to your "fist shaking" comment to willi-T... and look past willi.... I have no trouble seeing God standing behind him... so Lihle, are you meaning to be shakng your fist at God? I don't think you are... but I DO think maybe you need some help looking at your situation in a different way.
It is TRUE, you are fearfully and wonderfully made... you are a woman God created for man. It is not good for a man to be alone and it is reciprocally TRUE for a woman.
This is what I know about you lilhe, You love the lord, you were a good and honorable wife, you sadly miss the relationship of your previous marriage, you have honored your husband and his memory by mourning not just the required 1 year but for 2 years, you are not greedy, you do not seek after selfish desires, you are generous, you are considerate to culture and make an effort to be peaceful in faith and walk righteously, you work, you serve, your family despicably takes advantage of you and your resources including leaving you in lack, you care for your children, you teach them about the lord, you are faithful, you are lonely, YOU ARE A WIDOW.
Lilhe, you are the proverbs 31 woman some God fearing Christian man is seeking for. I have no trouble imagining that man pouring out his request to God to help him and direct him to a wonderful Christian woman to be his helpmeet. In fact, I can even go so far as to say.... maybe that man is already watching YOU and because he is a good man, he is waiting and waiting for you to take off your mourning dress and "signal" that you are ready to be courted again. This is a good man who would not approach you otherwise.
Do you see from my perspective how your "shield" can actually be blocking the very life and blessing God has for your future?
You are a WIDOW, your husband has died and you are FREE in the Lord to become another man's wife, you are a precious and beautiful daughter of God... and he has a purpose and a plan and provision for you... I truly believe... it is much BIGGER than the single-future you have settled on yourself.
I remember asking in prayer for you that the Lord would bring you a special friend... I do think it is very likely... that special friend is in the form of a new husband for you, and your fatherless children and for the Glory of God.
Are you willing to believe this is possible too?