I wanted to bring up something here. There are a few people here who are saying things like "its not your fault", and other similar things. And Im not trying to say theyre totally wrong or anything, but I dont want you to get the wrong message here. You did sin against God, even if you didnt really wanna do it, and even if you regret it, you did do the act. So there is definitely a need to repent of your sin.
Do not take this the wrong way, though! I am not telling you this in order to "cast judgement" on you, or to make you feel ashamed or anything. In fact, I come from this exact same experience. I was with a guy, and he did start pushing himself on me. I did not really want to do the act, I even went as far as praying to God that I wanted it to stop when it was happening, and I deeply regretted it when it was done. But, in the end, I did not stop him, I did not say no, and I did let it continue, I let him do it, and I was there doing it too. I may have wished I hadnt done it, but I let it happen. So I know that I had sinned against Him, and I know that I have failed Him 100%.
It is wonderful that you feel this shame, though. I mean it, you know the world we are in. It is a world that will tell you that you shouldnt be ashamed, that theres nothing wrong with getting what you want in life, and that those who would encourage you to restrain yourself for doing whats right are the evil ones. But you do know better, you do know that you did wrong, and you feel the need to repent of what you have done. Haha, thats exactly what God tells us to do! The Gospel was not "Hey, you guys are okay, youre totally worth being with God", it wasnt anything close to this

It was that despite being a fallen world of wicked beings, God has decided that it is more pleasing to Him for the wicked to repent of their sins and follow Him, rather than totally destroying the wicked. You feel right now that you are undeserving of Gods love. Well, you are

Both you and I are very undeserving

But He loved us so much that He came for us anyways, that all we have to do is truly repent on His name in order to be with Him. You are a sinner, but so is every single person who has responded to you on this thread
You should not look for comfort and a feeling of guiltlessness for what happened, even if someone led you to it. That is now what Christ came to do. We should accept that we have failed Him, and that we are unworthy, because we are unworthy. It is His love that saves us, not the way we rationalize how we feel into sin. There is no condemnation for those who are with Christ. You clearly seem to have the desire to be with Him, and this is the greatest choice you will ever make :3 All you have to do is repent of what you have done, and follow Him. Just like every one of us has had to do