Why so much anger, Witness?
I don't think people around here are telling people who are suffering from depression to suck it up and go out there and be magically well...
Anyone who's suffered from depression (as have I) know for a fact that it is not true... we will need the help of family, friends, pshichologists and, if it comes to that, medication....
We're just talking about that a person is much more beautiful when they are happy and filled with the love of Christ than when they are just plastically beautiful...
Just that... don't have to get all defensive here... and, please, don't judge... you don't know each one of our lives, or daily struggles... it's easy to point the finger on others, and forget about ourselves...
So do your best... and lead by example... I'm sure you'll reach more people and make much more of a difference than being agressive like that to people who are just enjoying a good time in a harmless thread over the internet..
Hope you feel better!