The legal definition of rape in Sweden is described in chapter 6 in the Swedish Penal Code. Historically, rape has been defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated against a woman by one or several men without her consent. In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made in Swedish law, to now not only include intercourse but comparable sexual acts initiated against someone passive, incapable of giving consent (e.g. unconsciousness, mental retardation, etc...). See:
However, the number of immigrant rapes was rapidly increasing before the law was broadened. And remember that the violent crime rate in Sweden rose 300% (and rising) after mass immigration was allowed almost solely due to first and later second generation immigrants committing them. Even wanton acts of murder such as the IKEA murders in which two Muslim immigrants went on a random murdering spree at IKEA reputedly even beheading one of their random Swedish victims:
The IKEA Murders: Sweden in Crisis
In Germany, the Muslim refugees that threw all the Christians off their vessel to drown in the sea were admitted and a number of them have already committed crimes against women and children in Germany:
SHOCKING Document: Muslim ‘migrants’ raping women and children in camps in Germany | Pamela Geller
Police now warn of "no go zones" in Muslim held cities in Germany where their have been pitched battles between immigrant street gangs and the police
Police Warn of No-Go Zones in Germany
Mass immigration has provided extensive new recruits for the Muslim gangs which a German senate report found that between 2011 and 2014, the majority of all gang crime suspects in the country were of
“Arab origin”.