Rape and sex slavery are fully condoned in Islam as long as the behaviors are conducted within the religious epistemology.
"Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle. He had sex with his slaves. And he instructed his men to do the same [even if these women were married and their husbands still alive]." -
TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Does Islam Condone Slavery & Sex Slavery?
This practice of raping war captives was practiced by Islam’s very own prophet Muhammad, in his life. He had many wives and concubines and was known to give the non-Muslim Christian booty away to his men as gifts when he was finished with them. See:
Myth: Muhammad Would Never Approve of Rape
The Qur'an permits pedophilia. Qur'anic verse 65:4 allows sex with pre-pubescent girls who have not yet menstruated. See WikiIslam:
Islam and Pedophilia - WikiIslam
Muslim immigrant male rape gangs are operating all over Europe, targeting females as young as nine (the age Muhammad married and had forced sex with a child named Aisha), and the perpetrators feel no shame or remorse for the simple fact they are not violating their religion.
"There is no equivalent term for ‘rape’ in the Qur'an. Likewise, there is not a single verse in the Qur'an which even remotely discourages forced sex. In contrast, there are several verses in this book which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women [excluding pious Muslim females]." -Wikipedia