I've never felt so humiliated in my life as I did 2day... My family and I was invited to a church... The bishop of the church gave us money so we could attend church today..the service was so awesome I came out feeling so blessed... Then we where invited for a braai (bbq) at my in laws as tomorrow is my bro in laws bday..when we get there everybody was in their own moods... At first I didn't think much of it, I was. Asked to spice up the meat... At first I didn't think much of it but then I noticed that when my husband and I are in the kitchen my mother in law walks out and sits outside by my father in law, then when we go outside she goes back in... And then I noticed they acting very weird..
Only to find out by my 14 year old daughter that my mother in law was telling my kids, to sit still its not their house, nobody cleans but her etc,,,, and that we came to eat and leave... I was instantly broken and shattered to pieces.. Firstly, we did not want to go there in the forst place,because of our situation I didn't feel comfortable that somebody is giving us a lunch, secondly y invite someone to your house if u going to treat them like dogs..m
We sat for a while and I was feeling all sorts of emotions... Like I said in my previous blog,I would not ask anyone for help, if I don't have I don't have... It hurt because of the situation we are in now, does that give ppl,( your own family) the right to treat u as if u a begger or from the streets..yes,we are going through a struggle now,we have nothing,tell me whatever u feel like,u can hurt my feelings its also fine, but my kids are innocent and don't deserve this.. To be so low and for ppl to tramp on u when u already down hurts... My husband and I will go to bed hungry, as long as my kids have even a slice of bread before they go to bed I'm happy... But to treat us the way did is something I will never forget... My husband got up, and said we leaving, then my mum in law came asking y,so he said,yes we are down and out for now, but that does not mean we must get treated like this just for a plate of food that we where invited to...
I pray to the almighty,to help us out this struggle,help us get back on our feet so we don't get to hears words from ppl... I pray for the safety of my kids.. And pray no harm or bad gossip comes their way... A mothers plea... All I pray is for me and my husband to get jobs so we may provide for our kids so that they never get to see a day like this again... In jesus mighty name.AMEN..

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(