An international perspective, if I may.
Obama attended a CHRISTIAN school in Jakarta, Indonesia.
That does not necessarily make him a Christian, and it most certainly doesn't automatically make him a Muslim. That accusation is prepostorous and demeaning to the man.
And really, if we were to be truly non-judgemental, (as says the word), so what if he is?
The seperation of chuch and state is enshrined in the US constitution, as it is in all modern democracies.
You simply cannot expect every President of the USA to proclaim the faith. It may be distasteful for some, however it is a fact of life.
I really do feel that too many of you watch and believe Glenn Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly on Fox News word for word. Do some independent research for yourselves and don't swallow the GOP's media arm spin for your daily sustenance.
Obama, regardless of what you may think of him, has made this world a safer place. And remember this is from an international persperctive, not an insular USA point of view.
The rest of the world, in the main, welcomes the olive branch being held out to our "enemies", and hopes beyond hope, that his actions will eventually succeed.
However, they most probably will not as there are far too many vested religious interests at play here.
The jews are controlling the middle east via their US power brokers and the neo-cons are driving the military.
Obama is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the sooner a few of us "Christians" get behind his policies, (and not necessarily the man himself), the safer the world may be for our children.