Over a decade ago, one of my brothers did something completely unforgivable to us. I'm not big on crying, but what he did caused me two hours of crying and I was crying all the time I was talking to him on the phone for those two hours. It was more what he didn't do after he got me crying that long that is unforgivable. (I asked a huge favor, he called to get the details, and then completely ignored my request.)
A few years later, Dad was diagnosed with dementia. We all understood that Dad would never be able to handle dissension among his kids, so that same brother called and said, "I have no idea what you have against me, but I'm sorry for whatever I did. I just feel like you're angry with me for some reason, but now we have to stick together for Dad."
(BTW, he was basing that on I never called him. I didn't. I also never called him before that. I'm not much of a caller, so I don't call anyone unless there's an important enough reason to call someone. I snail-mailed letters to family on occasion. Since stuff was happening by that time, I gave up snail-mailing years before. He never called me either, except that time when I wrote him, and then he called to get the details. The time he had me crying for two hours on the phone. It's rare when I hear from any of my siblings, and I don't hold that against anyone. None of us are much into calling. lol)
Not much of an apology, and, although I forgave him, he apparently has no idea what I forgave him for.
One thing for sure, there is no way I will ever trust him again. I mean, if he ever needed help, I'd give him all I could, but I trust him as far as I can spit. (I can't get spit off my chin, so I don't spit. lol)
So, BIBLICAL question, (as in I don't want mere opinion, I want it backed up with scripture): As Christians, what are we supposed to do with situations like this?
A few years later, Dad was diagnosed with dementia. We all understood that Dad would never be able to handle dissension among his kids, so that same brother called and said, "I have no idea what you have against me, but I'm sorry for whatever I did. I just feel like you're angry with me for some reason, but now we have to stick together for Dad."
(BTW, he was basing that on I never called him. I didn't. I also never called him before that. I'm not much of a caller, so I don't call anyone unless there's an important enough reason to call someone. I snail-mailed letters to family on occasion. Since stuff was happening by that time, I gave up snail-mailing years before. He never called me either, except that time when I wrote him, and then he called to get the details. The time he had me crying for two hours on the phone. It's rare when I hear from any of my siblings, and I don't hold that against anyone. None of us are much into calling. lol)
Not much of an apology, and, although I forgave him, he apparently has no idea what I forgave him for.
One thing for sure, there is no way I will ever trust him again. I mean, if he ever needed help, I'd give him all I could, but I trust him as far as I can spit. (I can't get spit off my chin, so I don't spit. lol)
So, BIBLICAL question, (as in I don't want mere opinion, I want it backed up with scripture): As Christians, what are we supposed to do with situations like this?