Hebrew Roots Movement

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Senior Member
Jul 3, 2015
Peter recognizes Paul's writing as Scripture, and Paul quotes Luke as Scripture.
Jan 19, 2013
I have no idea if this is wrong or right, but one thing I do know, it is the Holy Spirit living in us That keeps us as one in the Body of Christ with Him as the Head taken to Heaven. It seems all who are in Jesus Christ also have the Holy Spirit residing in them, and come the time for His return, it could well be the onlhy way to be with Him forever is to be one with Him and the Father by means of That Holy Spirit.
Only the born again have the indwelling Holy Spirit, and they are the only ones who will be with Jesus forever.


'Great peace have they who LOVE Thy Law, and NOTHING shall offend them'.


Who's in charge of dusting this old thread?


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
'Great peace have they who LOVE Thy Law, and NOTHING shall offend them'.
And Jesus is the embodiment of the law in it's totality.

Isaiah 26:3 KJVS
[3] Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee : because he trusteth in thee.
Feb 8, 2014
I admit I didn't read all of the responses on this thread, so I apologize if I am covering old ground. I read a number of them, however, and I'm a little surprised more of the "Hebrew Roots" type of folks haven't chimed in, but then...I didn't read all of the posts. I have some stuff to do before Shabbat, so I gotta send this off.

What I did read leads me to realize how little people understand what is happening in the hearts and minds of those who are engaging in Old Testament practices, and how much judgy judgy is going on here. Yikes, people. I'm not part of any cults. Good heavens. Come on down to my church, Cornerstone Baptist (yes, it's a Baptist church). Join us in worship, hear a great message, and have a great dinner potluck during fellowship. :)

Hebrew roots, or as a respected friend recently called us, Ephraimites, is founded on the idea that the ENTIRE word of Yahweh/God is true, and is worthy of obedience. Not just the parts Paul tells me are true, but the parts that are all in there, the scripture Messiah would have followed, which was the only scripture that existed at that time.

I don't think that obeying the law can save me. I don't know a single person that follows this lifestyle who would say that. That's ridiculous. Obeying the law is about pleasing my god, and doing as he asks me to do. Obedience, pure and simple. I observe his Sabbaths because he asked me to. It's simply that simple. Only the blood of Messiah, the perfect Passover lamb, could atone for the sins of man and woman, including my own, and I can never repay that sacrifice no matter how hard I work at it. I do think deliberately breaking the law is sin, since that's what the Bible tells me it is: What Is Sin in the Bible?

One cannot understand the Bible without understanding and living the word. Why did Yahweh tell us to keep his feasts? Do you know? Can you find it in scripture? He tells us why he wants us to do things.

What's disturbing to me is that the Bible tells us that people like me are coming, and you have read it, yet you still believe the words from the book you claim to believe. The Bible tells us that the heart of the Jew will turn toward Messiah, and the heart of lost tribes of Israel will turn back to the land. Israel and Judah - Life, Hope & Truth I couldn't make this stuff up! Who do you think the descendants of Israel are that will come back to the land in tears? I am certain I am one of them, and most likely, so are you. This scriptural truth is accepted by both Jewish and Christian scholars. If we are in the end times, as many believe, when do you think this return to the truth come about? What makes you so certain you aren't missing it? For most of you, it sounds like you are.

What lifestyle do you suppose we will follow in the kingdom? Do you know the etiquette for the wedding supper?

I don't know who's going to hell or not. I don't know. Messiah knows and will judge, but I don't have that job. I know where I have been lead, what I have learned, in the pursuit of truth without prejudice. Outside of that, I won't take on the job of judging other's salvation.

What I know is that we have been deceived, all of us. That whoever Messiah was, he wasn't the Messiah the Romans wanted us to believe he was. The Jews didn't kill Messiah, the Romans did, and then they edited the history to remove their own culpability. Because they wrote the history, there's no way to be sure of what the truth was, but it certainly wasn't Pontius Pilate washing his hands clean and refusing to kill someone. Anyone who ever read the history of his reign in Israel knows what a falsehood that is.

It's no wonder belief has fallen off: critical thinking among believers has become a thing of the past. If one tries to be different in any way that is not already acceptable, one is part of a cult, part of a sin cult, bent on forcing us all to obey the law, and come back under bondage. Blah blah blah. It's the exact behavior one sees in the homosexual agenda: beat down anyone that doesn't agree with you. It's possible you are being called, right now, to learn more. Would you challenge your heart and your fears, or will you harden your heart, like Pharaoh? There is ALWAYS a choice.

You all do what you want. It's your life and your eternity. None of us are judging you, so please stop judging us. You can answer in eternal court when you give your testimony why you disobeyed the law, and taught others to do so, as well. "18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Matthew 5:19"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." You choose.

For myself and my house, we will follow Yahweh. Shalom.


The contrast is striking... between the ones who seek the Father's will and do it, and the ones making jokes about any who would.


I found this online on a facebook group..seems to be good from what I've heard already from other sources.

Question: "What is the Hebrew Roots movement?"

Answer: The premise of the Hebrew Roots movement is the belief that the Church has veered far from the true teachings and Hebrew concepts of the Bible. The movement maintains that Christianity has been indoctrinated with the culture and beliefs of Greek and Roman philosophy and that ultimately biblical Christianity, taught in churches today, has been corrupted with a pagan imitation of the New Testament gospels.

Those of the Hebrew Roots belief hold to the teaching that Christ's death on the cross did not end the Mosaic Covenant, but instead renewed it, expanded its message, and wrote it on the hearts of His true followers. They teach that the understanding of the New Testament can only come from a Hebrew perspective and that the teachings of the Apostle Paul are not understood clearly or taught correctly by Christian pastors today. Many affirm the existence of an original Hebrew-language New Testament and, in some cases, denigrate the existing New Testament text written in Greek. This becomes a subtle attack on the reliability of the text of our Bible. If the Greek text is unreliable and has been corrupted, as is charged by some, the Church no longer has a standard of truth.

Although there are many different and diverse Hebrew Roots assemblies with variations in their teachings, they all adhere to a common emphasis on recovering the "original" Jewishness of Christianity. Their assumption is that the Church has lost its Jewish roots and is unaware that Jesus and His disciples were Jews living in obedience to the Torah. For the most part, those involved advocate the need for every believer to walk a Torah-observant life. This means that the ordinances of the Mosaic Covenant must be a central focus in the lifestyle of believers today as it was with the Old Testament Jews of Israel. Keeping the Torah includes keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week (Saturday), celebrating the Jewish feasts and festivals, keeping the dietary laws, avoiding the "paganism" of Christianity (Christmas, Easter, etc.), and learning to understand the Scriptures from a Hebrew mindset. They teach that Gentile Christians have been grafted into Israel, and this is one reason every born-again believer in Jesus the Messiah is to participate in these observances. It is expressed that doing this is not required out of legalistic bondage, but out of a heart of love and obedience. However, they teach that to live a life that pleases God, this Torah-observant walk must be part of that life.

The Hebrew Roots assemblies are often made up of a majority of Gentiles, including Gentile rabbis. Usually they prefer to be identified as "Messianic Christians." Many have come to the conclusion that God has "called" them to be Jewish and have accepted the theological position that the Torah (Old Testament law) is equally binding on Gentiles and Jews alike. They often wear articles of traditional Jewish clothing, practice Davidic dancing, and incorporate Hebrew names and phrases into their writing and conversations. Most reject the use of the name "Jesus" in favor of Yeshua or YHWH, claiming that these are the "true" names that God desires for Himself. In most cases, they elevate the Torah as the foundational teaching for the Church, which brings about the demotion of the New Testament, causing it to become secondary in importance and only to be understood in light of the Old Testament. The idea that the New Testament is faulty and relevant only in light of the Old Testament has also brought the doctrine of the Trinity under attack by many advocates of the Hebrew Roots beliefs.

As opposed to what the Hebrew Roots movement claims, the New Testament teachings of the Apostle Paul are perfectly clear and self-explanatory. Colossians 2:16,17 says, "Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day – things which are a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ." Romans 14:5 states, "One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind." Scripture clearly indicates that these issues are a matter of personal choice. These verses and many others give clear evidence that the Mosaic Covenant laws and ordinances have ended. Continuing to teach that the Old Covenant is still in effect in spite of what the New Testament teaches, or twisting the New Testament to agree with the Hebrew Roots beliefs, is false teaching.

There are aspects of the Hebrew Roots teachings that certainly can be beneficial. Seeking to explore the Jewish culture and perspective, within which most of the Bible was written, opens and enriches our understanding of the Scriptures, adding insight and depth to many of the passages, parables and idioms. There is nothing wrong with Gentiles and Jews joining together in celebrating the feasts and enjoying a Messianic style of worship. Taking part in these events and learning the way in which the Jews understood the teachings of our Lord can be a tool, giving us greater effectiveness in reaching the unbelieving Jew with the gospel. It is good for Gentiles, in the body of the Messiah, to identify in our fellowship with Israel. However, to identify with Israel is different from identifying "as" Israel.

Gentile believers are not grafted into the Judaism of the Mosaic Covenant; they are grafted into the seed and faith of Abraham, which preceded the Law and Jewish customs. They are fellow citizens with the saints (Ephesians 2:19), but they are not Jews. Paul explains this clearly when he tells those who were circumcised (the Jews) "not to seek to be uncircumcised" and those who were uncircumcised (the Gentiles) "not to become circumcised" (1 Corinthians 7:18). There is no need for either group to feel they must become what they are not. Instead, God has made Jews and Gentiles into "one new man" in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:15). This "new man" is referring to the Church, the body of Christ, which is made up of neither Jew nor Gentile (Galatians 3:27-29). It's important for Jews and Gentiles to remain authentic in their own identity. In this way a clear picture of the unity of the body of Christ can be seen as Jews and Gentiles are united by one Lord, one faith, one baptism. If Gentiles are grafted into Israel, becoming Jews, the purpose and picture of both Jew and Gentile, coming together as one new man, is lost. God never intended Gentiles to become one in Israel, but one in Christ.

The influence of this movement is working its way into our churches and seminaries. It's dangerous in its implication that keeping the Old Covenant law is walking a "higher path" and is the only way to please God and receive His blessings. Nowhere in the Bible do we find Gentile believers being instructed to follow Levitical laws or Jewish customs; in fact, the opposite is taught. Romans 7:6 says, "But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code." Christ, in keeping perfectly every ordinance of the Mosaic Law, completely fulfilled it. Just as making the final payment on a home fulfills that contract and ends one’s obligation to it, so also Christ has made the final payment and has fulfilled the law, bringing it to an end for us all.

It is God Himself who has created a world of people with different cultures, languages and traditions. God is glorified when we accept one another in love and come together in unity as "one" in Christ Jesus. It's important to understand that there is no superiority in being born Jewish or Gentile. We who are followers of Christ, comprised of many different cultures and lifestyles, are all of value and greatly loved because we've entered into the family of God.


None of us are judging you, so please stop judging us. You can answer in eternal court when you give your testimony why you disobeyed the law, and taught others to do so, as well.
these two sentences alone undo all of the verbiage you spent on claiming that you aren't merely a self righteous hypocrite...

you judge everyone who disagrees with you as 'disobedient'...and threaten them with having to 'answer in eternal court'...and then you say you don't judge anyone...

the disturbing thing is that this kind of work righteous judgmentalism is so deeply engrained into the spiritual fabric of 'hebrew roots' thought that most of you don't even realize you are doing it...


Senior Member
May 16, 2014
And many shall follow their pernicious ways;
by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
Feb 8, 2014
these two sentences alone undo all of the verbiage you spent on claiming that you aren't merely a self righteous hypocrite...

you judge everyone who disagrees with you as 'disobedient'...and threaten them with having to 'answer in eternal court'...and then you say you don't judge anyone...

the disturbing thing is that this kind of work righteous judgmentalism is so deeply engrained into the spiritual fabric of 'hebrew roots' thought that most of you don't even realize you are doing it...
My my, that's a lot of motive assignment you're doing there. Where exactly did I say I'm judging? Yeshuah will judge you at the end of times, which is obviously what I was referring to.

I spoke of my own experience and my own belief, and the expressed beliefs of those like me. Does the very act of my keeping the Sabbath make your Sun-day worship wrong? Does my lifestyle in some way offend you? Would you judge me for what I eat, and what days I keep? That's certainly what it sounds like.

I have no desire to judge. None. Not my job. Someone much holier than me, someone who's shoes I'm not fit to tie will fill that role. All that I intend to do is live my life as the word declares I should. If that offends you, and the act of doing that judges you, then that has nothing to do with me.
Feb 8, 2014
"Nowhere in the Bible do we find Gentile believers being instructed to follow Levitical laws or Jewish customs; in fact, the opposite is taught"

That is inaccurate.

YHWH made it perfectly clear that ALL who accepted Him were to OBEY Him:
Exodus 12: 48 If a foreigner staying with you wants to observe ADONAI's Pesach, all his males must be circumcised. Then he may take part and observe it; he will be like a citizen of the land. But no uncircumcised person is to eat it. 49 The same teaching is to apply equally to the citizen and to the foreigner living among you."
Leviticus 17: 8 "Then you shall say to them, 'Any man from the house of Israel, or from the aliens who sojourn among them, who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice, 9 and does not bring it to the doorway of the tent of meeting to offer it to the LORD, that man also shall be cut off from his people.
Leviticus 24: 22 You are to apply the same standard of judgment to the foreigner as to the citizen, because I am ADONAI your God."
Numbers 9: 14 If a foreigner is staying with you and wants to observe Pesach for ADONAI, he is to do it according to the regulations and rules of Pesach- you are to have the same law for the foreigner as for the citizen of the land.'"
Numbers 15: 13 "'Everyone who is native-born must do these things in this way when he brings an offering made by fire as an aroma pleasing to the LORD. 14 For the generations to come, whenever an alien or anyone else living among you presents an offering made by fire as an aroma pleasing to the LORD, he must do exactly as you do. 15 The community is to have the same rules for you and for the alien living among you; this is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. You and the alien shall be the same before the LORD: 16 The same laws and regulations will apply both to you and to the alien living among you.'"
Deuteronomy 31: 11 when all Isra'el have come to appear in the presence of ADONAI at the place he will choose, you are to read this Torah before all Isra'el, so that they can hear it. 12 Assemble the people-the men, the women, the little ones and the foreigners you have in your towns -so that they can hear, learn, fear ADONAI your God and take care to obey all the words of this Torah;

(Borrowed from: Should believing Gentiles follow Torah? since he already did the work.)

The word is very clear that Yah's law applies to everyone.

Yes, most of us do feel called to follow a different way. Why haven't you been called? Feeling left out yet? You should! The bridegroom is coming, and my lamp is full of oil, and I will know how to behave for the wedding supper, and I will be marked on my forehead for my obedience. What a lovely, lovely day that will be. Come join us in the light. Light the shabbat candle, and say the blessing, and drink the wine and break the bread and feel the fullness of all of Yah's goodness. Instead of clinging to dead, pagan practices that honor other gods, join the outpouring of spirit and knowledge that is happening all around you but isn't yet happening to you. (Please understand: "you" is colloquial, as opposed to personal.)

Prophecy is being fulfilled all around us. We can watch it happen on the nightly news. What a glorious time we live in. :)

May you all be blessed with the light of knowledge. May you be prepared for the wedding supper, and not left out in the dark. Shalom.


My my, that's a lot of motive assignment you're doing there. Where exactly did I say I'm judging? Yeshuah will judge you at the end of times, which is obviously what I was referring to.

I spoke of my own experience and my own belief, and the expressed beliefs of those like me. Does the very act of my keeping the Sabbath make your Sun-day worship wrong? Does my lifestyle in some way offend you? Would you judge me for what I eat, and what days I keep? That's certainly what it sounds like.

I have no desire to judge. None. Not my job. Someone much holier than me, someone who's shoes I'm not fit to tie will fill that role. All that I intend to do is live my life as the word declares I should. If that offends you, and the act of doing that judges you, then that has nothing to do with me.
i didn't do any 'motive assignment'...all i did was notice that accusations of disobedience and threats of having to answer in eternal court are not the words of the non judgmental just minding your own business humble follower of yahweh you claimed to be in the very same post...

it doesn't bother me if someone observes a saturday sabbath or celebrates the feasts or keeps kosher or even refuses to wear cotton polyester blend...as long as they don't go around preaching or insinuating that where they are being led in their own practice of faith is God's will for everyone else too...and as long as they don't go around casting aspersions on those who don't do as they do and those who assure others that it is ok to refrain from doing as they do...

unfortunately those qualifications are fairly uncommon in the 'hebrew roots' movement...


Yes, most of us do feel called to follow a different way. Why haven't you been called? Feeling left out yet? You should! The bridegroom is coming, and my lamp is full of oil, and I will know how to behave for the wedding supper, and I will be marked on my forehead for my obedience. What a lovely, lovely day that will be. Come join us in the light. Light the shabbat candle, and say the blessing, and drink the wine and break the bread and feel the fullness of all of Yah's goodness. Instead of clinging to dead, pagan practices that honor other gods, join the outpouring of spirit and knowledge that is happening all around you but isn't yet happening to you.
here you have insinuated all of the following...

those who don't practice as you do have not been called...
those who don't practice as you do should feel left out...
those who don't practice as you do are not prepared for the bridegroom's coming and have empty lamps...
those who don't practice as you do don't know how to behave for the wedding supper of the lamb...
those who don't practice as you do will not be sealed for christ...
those who don't practice as you do are not obedient...
those who don't practice as you do are not in the light...
those who don't practice as you do are not feeling all of yahweh's goodness...
those who don't practice as you do are clinging to dead pagan practices that honor other gods...
those who don't practice as you do are not receiving an outpouring of spirit and knowledge...

but we are supposed to believe you aren't judging anyone?

this would be comical if it wasn't so spiritually harmful...


Well, I am not under the Law, so.....