Beer fest with satanic music!
What a wonderful christian witness! NOT.
What does righteousness have to do with unrighteousness?
Paul talked about liberty in Christ but that doesnt include this kinda thing do ya think? It may not be the actual band but it is what the band stands for and the lyrics espoused.
Are you a dog that keeps returning to its vomit? Choose this day whom you serve.You cannot serve both God and mammon...............
"My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose Satanism in the music industry.
Led Zeppelin is Satanic to the core. In the song "Houses of the Holy," Robert Plant (lead singer) speaks of Satan's daughter and making her garden grow (a sexual reference). The album cover displays naked women crawling towards the top of the temple. It's sickening in the name of decency. Anyone who denies the occult inspiration of Led Zeppelin's music is woefully deceived.
Led Zeppelin idolized and promoted, The Most Wicked Man In The World, Aleister Crowley .Crowley lived from 1875 to 1947. In his publication, THE BOOK OF THE LAW, Crowley writes:
“This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. ...
Music is but a rhytym....a soothing voice in beat.
Remembering.....those like us that love God....are not subjected to being sucuumbed to a lyric.
Let us worry for our own souls
Only bashing a man who only stated his honesty..WAS his honesty...not hypocrisy.....
Khatru could have very well 'lied' to us all and said he went to a ' bluegrass Gospel convention'
But in the man's honesty....he shared truth!
No....Khatru is not perfect...I am not either! . But he is my friend and he cares for others.
This is no thread for combativeness....especially when my friend never attacked you!
Peace and love....
Btw...I thought the 'dog to his vomit' was a little harsh....
Just saying 'rollseyes'
God bless you too
Please PM me if you want to talk
Dont ruin Shineys thread....