Ok hold on a moment. . .
1) That tower is in toronto and as all canadians know torontonians are crazy, they an american wanna be city which disgusts the rest of Canada. So don't blame that tower on Canada.
2) We can't help that you are pansies who can't handle a little bit of cold. And freezing cold is just a state of mind. Once you are used to a temperature it isn't that cold anymore.
3) Now wait a minute, don't blame us for the metric system, we certainly didn't start it. And Celcius way better than Fahrenheit.
4) So what we Canadians like to share our talent, though we sincerely apologize for Celine Dion.
5) There is canadian literature, poetry, and most definitely a culture. We can't help it if americans can't even find Canada on a map, nevermind find canadian literature. There are many dishes that have a canadian origin: Ginger beef, Chinese smorgasbord, maple syrup, Butter tarts, Nanaimo bars, Canadian pizza, Lumberjack's Breakfast, Barbecue, to name a few.
6) Maple syrup is awesome, your just bitter that the only war that the US has ever loss was with Canada.(look it up)