So I just watched Terminator Genisys and was actually pleasantly surprised. Seeing as T2 is still one of my favorite movies ever and holds a lot of nostalgia for me, I was thinking, "Oh great, here comes another cruddy Terminator movie that will totally ruin all my favorite characters."
It was really great to see them try to bring back some of the heart that made T2 such a classic in the first place, alongside all the butt-kicking, of course. When I see people being whooped, I want to see some genuine feeling behind it!
However, I was really disappointed by their casting choice for John Connor--who on earth decided that John would now look like a middle-aged dad with a pot belly? That's fine if the character actually is SUPPOSED to be a middle-aged everyday guy with a dad bod, but it was pretty rattling to try to envision him as the super soldier son of two parents who are legendary fighters themselves.
Try as they might, I don't think they'll ever be able to top T2's effects, no matter how dated they are now, just because the very ideas for the T-1000 were so revolutionary at the time.
But as a plus, I thought Emilia Clarke was an impressively believable Sarah Connor (I may have to start watching Game of Thrones just because of her.) And the part where you saw that the T-800 had hung up her pictures and drawings in his hideout really gave me warm fuzzies inside.
My whole purpose of this rant, however, is to ask, how in the hee haw does Sarah Connor get NOT ONLY her very OWN Terminator but also a boyfriend from the future who would die to protect her?!
Seriously. How do I become that important and where do I sign up for that?
(I'm even willing to give up the boyfriend part if I can just have my own Terminator...)