I think one mistake our culture has made is in believing two people being together should be really close all their lives and not give each other space and respect.
When we marry so young and quickly, when things change, pressures mount it is now easier to run away than face ones own failures and problems. I was thinking about how close and sometimes fighting my kids are, yet they would not disown each other. But it appears couples are quicker to dump each other rather than realise what they often rush into is the same as the thing they are rushing out of. But it he process so many people are deeply betrayed and hurt, for often selfish self pity reasons.
Our assistant pastor was so split in himself over this issue emotionally he cracked up, resigned, and 6 months later, divorced his wife and then moved in with one of the women in the church. So much pain.
When I talk about the conflicts and emotional ups and downs we have as a couple others start to realise they are not alone.
So many here talk about deep loneliness, as if sharing at a deep level is only bounded by a marriage relationship.
Intimacy goes beyond such relationships, into areas we really care about. As christians Jesus hopes this is our life blood. But often the language takes a long time to come to a point of trust and openness. Caring matters, but often it is the odd people who we avoid who talk like this. We need to develop better ways of reaching out to each other because so many burdens are carried alone, in their rooms.