How the world crisis was created.
The way in which the latest crisis was created was a very simple one.
All you need to understand is that it is the value of the land that determines whether the economy is good or bad.
- If the value of the land is high - the economy is bad
- If the value of land is very low - the economy is great
A lot of info about relation between the land value and poverty is in the book written by
Henry George - Progress And Poverty.
How it works.
Let's say, you are on an island with your wife. The more work you do, better off you are. What is missing in this picture?
The land price!
Did you see the movie - "Lost"? The more those people worked, the better their life was. Because the land value was not an issue. No one was paying a mortgage.
In all our history the land value was nearly zero. Of course people had to pay for vineyards or work that was done on the land, like fences, preparation of the field for planting etc.
Land itself was free for thousands of years. People could afford to have big families of even 16! Because of them, we are here today! But today, having 16 kids is absolutely impossible for an average family.
It's actually much worse than that. We are so poor, that population of Europe, North America, Australia, England and many other countries is diminishing at a rapid pace, so governments have to recruit large amounts of immigrants to work! In the last 40 years, Europe lost more than 60 million of its white population.
In not too distant days the price of the land was still nearly zero in most counties around the globe. In the early 90s USA, Australia and Europe had land nearly for free.
In more modern days the whole
of Eastern Bloc had free land. It was known as the everlasting land lease from the government, which was free.
Today China still has free land. That's why it is so hard to compete with China.
Eastern Bloc didn't collapse. It was dismantled by its leaders. It was a very efficient system (Like Chinese is today!) and it was dismantled for one purpose only.
To create the super rich elite for the NWO!
In the Eastern Bloc all the land and nearly all factories were owned by the government. During existence of socialism (The world had never seen a pure communist government - Eastern Block was a
pure socialism .) all people received free education, free medical services, free medicines and free dental care including free dentures.
The best example of such government was in Yugoslavia. Tito was disobedient to orders coming from Moscow and he has made the system fully workable by allowing some private enterprises, similar to what is happening in China today.
People in Yugoslavia had better living conditions than people in USA - they had no debts or mortgages.
What is remarkable - most of the Eastern Bloc' governments had only small debts with the West.
Poland, at that time, had only 10 billion dollars of debt in the western banks. For a nation of nearly 40 million people that was almost nothing!
After switching to the capitalist system, Poland has sold about
$500 billions worth of their national assets into private hands. This has created, read carefully - it's not a mistake - more than
$200 billions of debt with western banks!
Poland lost 700 billions of dollars!
This money created the super rich Polish elite! No one was ever investigated for participating in this mega fraud!
Only Putin managed to take back the oil companies from some oligarchs in Russia and now the country is the biggest superpower on the planet. Russia has no debts at all.
The crisis in Poland (And other countries of the Warsaw Pact) was artificially created by
its own government, which cut the food supplies to major cities.
If You cut the food supply - you will have people demonstrating on the streets the very next day! When Polish government cut the food supplies to the cities it caused Solidarity independent trade union to rise. Only after few years Poles realized that Solidarity Union wasn't independent at all.
Lech Walesa was a government agent, who's job was to eliminate any chances of prosecution of the communist perpetrators during that regime for crimes they have committed. He was simply a shock absorber.
So far, no one was charged for massive frauds. The same clichés of people are still holding the power today.
Going back to land values. Just after 911 USA Federal Bank has dropped an interest rate to 0. Other banks in England and Europe also has dropped their interest rates.
This has pushed up the land values.
Than the US government let about 22 millions illegal emigrants from Mexico into the country. When you bring in 22 millions of people they need somewhere to to live. The prices of real estate went through the roof.
This has pushed up the land values.
The USA, Europe, England, Australia and New Zealand governments have opened the doors to massive immigration of Muslims. These governments were recruiting people to live in their countries offering them free flights, social security payments and privileges. And they continue to bring them in!
This has pushed up the land values.
All governments gave major and quiet tax
cuts to all high income earners, who invested in real estate. To avoid paying high taxes (up to 50%) business people started investing money in properties.
This has pushed up the land values.
All governments, while brining in immigrants are still restricting releases of land for building new homes.
This has pushed up the land values.
How the price of land is affecting us?
Let's say you are earning $1400.00 p. week after tax - two incomes per family. Rough current average incomes in Australia.
If the cost of land was on zero, your new house would costs:
More plus a couple great but short movies in the link -