That Christmas is not a pagan holiday and that it was created as an alternative to Saturnalia. Saturnalia was a festival that honored the false god Saturn in the Roman Empire and involved bacchanals, sexual orgies, etc. For more info check out The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbons. Christians who left the Pagan lifestyle wanted a wholesome alternative so they created Christmas which celebrates the birth of Jesus, the god-man who would save the world (those who put their trust in Him for salvation). In fact if I remember correctly my family reads from the Bible the true Christmas story and not the one involving Santa, which interestingly Ann Voskamp did a poem with a Christian spin on the Night Before Christmas Santa story. Even if one considered it a pagan holiday, holidays can be redeemed. Instead of not celebrating certain holidays, we should use the Christian holidays that we do celebrate to build a bridge with the culture instead of burning bridges. God bless.