"Christ the Saviour is born!" "Gloria!" "Joy to the world, the Lord is come!"
"Oh Come all Ye Faithful - O Come Let us Adore Him" "Christ the Saviour is born, Christ the Saviour is born!"
"Christ the Lord, the new born king!" "Son of God, love's pure light!"
"The hopes and dreams of all the years are met in thee, tonight!"
"Mary did you know, that your baby boy, would one day rule the nations?"
Just a few examples and extracts from some well known Christmas carols. And while not all the information in carols are perfect, there is certainly a proclaimation of who Jesus is, and what he came to do in these carols. When I was teaching elementary music in public schools, I made it my business to put on a Christmas concert each year. I was in a school district that had a large East Indian and Muslim population, with some schools being 99% ESL (English as a Second Language).
These children and their parents knew nothing about Jesus, they only knew about Santa Claus, which most of them embraced, trying to fit into Canadian culture. In all the 1000's of students I taught, only one Hindu boy was not allowed to participate in these concerts (Not including JW's who basically don't count!)
So I would teach each class a secular carol, and a religious carol. So my little kindergartners would sing Jingle Bells shaking bells, and the do the actions for "Away in a Manger." The parents loved it and so did the children. It became an "annual" Christmas show, and one year when I was too sick to do it, the parents committee met with outrage that I wasn't putting it on, because we "always" have a Christmas concert. Except they didn't until I came!
The last class before Christmas, when the concert was over and done with, I would bring in a Christmas story book about Jesus being born, and what he came to do. I would read the story, and we would talk about the meanings of the words. Because these children had never been exposed to words like "manger" "angels" "Christ" and so many other words. We would talk about baby Jesus, and then how he grew to be a man who died on the cross for our sins. (Sin was another word even the older children did not know - unless there was a Christian child in the class!)
I never did an altar call. If I had ever been called on what I was doing, I would have just said I was exposing them to Canadian culture and music. But I was never called on it. The parents, with all kinds of accents, would thank me gratefully for allowing their children to sing these beautiful songs and for teaching them.
So not in 7 years, with 200-300 students each year, and I didn't get one complaint. Now, it might be different today, but even then, in the province I taught there was a strong secular movement. Christmas provided the one legitmate opportunity to expose the children to Jesus. My prayer is that I planted a few seeds. And maybe the next time the children heard about Jesus, they would pay attention and want to know more. What a huge mission field that God blessed me with!
But I could not have done it without the Christmas culture that exists in the western world.
As for now, my church is having a turkey potluck dinner on Sunday. My son and his wife and our two grandchildren are coming. My prayer, which I hope you will agree with, is that they will both renew their committment to Christ. Or at least open a door to their hearts.
Christmas is one of the greatest missionary opportunities God has provided for us in the west. To say we should not celebrate it misses God's purpose and timing. Christmas is not about us. It is about using the story of Christmas, something most people are still not totally defensive of, to preach the gospel. And then God will prepare hearts for the harvest.
(And if you know anything about reaching people for Christ, missionaries to untouched cultures bridge the gap by using something in their culture to reach people with the gospel. I had a professor who was a missionary in Indonesia on Sabbatical the year I took the course. His mission field was Muslims and head hunters. The Muslims he reached when they came to him with their visions and dreams about Isa, and the head hunters he reached with their shrunken heads. When they realized the real power in this world came from Christ, they emptied their pouches of their shrunken heads and put the parts of the NT that were in their language in their pouches, because Jesus was their new "power." Not very sophisticated, I admit, but God can use whatever he wants to reach the lost, including Christmas.)