Mitspa, I think you misunderstand me a lot.
I care very much about those soldiers in VA hospitals, but not because they are soldiers, because they are people. The fact that we have soldiers getting their limbs blown off doesn't magically cancel out the fact that they were being pawned. Those soldiers were fighting for our flag and everything it represents: political corruption, monetary interests, dominion, and imperialism. In no way were they fighting for our freedom, although that's the lie that evil men told those good men, because that's the only way to get those good men to become soldiers in the first place.
US soldiers are not evil people. The REAL reasons WHY they fight is evil, but those aren't the reasons that soldiers believe they are fighting for. They just accept the simple lie that they are fighting for good. That blowing other people apart in these 3rd world countries is somehow preserving American freedom (which it isn't).
If we withdrew all units from the Middle East TODAY, nothing would happen here that isn't already happening.
We are in the Middle East almost PURELY to establish a geographic tactical advantage against Iran, and we don't care how many kids we have to blow apart to achieve that.