The more familiar we get with walking in the grace that Jesus bought for us., and as the HolySpirit reveals the manner of man we once were and are reminded of as we go through the process., we find we need the grace of God as we are allowed to see the depths of the human soul without Christ.
We are allowed see how God knew us before we were saved and saved us while we were yet sinners. We are assured of His love and BY FAITH we walk in that love because the Holy Spirit gives us a revelation of the love and grace of God and the salvation that is SO GREAT it defies human reason. The Bible says "who is he who over cometh?? he that believes in Jesus., it is these who are the overcomers. It is NOT that we become overcomers by obedience and then become worthy for eternal life. No never.
Why do Christians keep messing up that verse in the Bible. 1 John 5:5 AND WHO IS THE ONE WHO OVERCOMES THE WORLD, BUT HE WHO BELIEVES THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD.
What messes up God's grace is when people trying to separate the walk in the faith from the faith itself.
Paul, James, John, and Peter do not teach in this way that they are separate, they teach they go hand and hand !!!
Where do you think they get that mindset in their teachings from ???
They got it from Jesus Himself who taught we would know who are His by the fruit produced through them.
Apostle John is the clearest on this teaching that how a believer walks can not be separated from the faith, as he repeats that if a person acts a certain way or treats a person badly the Truth/eternal life is not in them.
This is because the Holy Spirit abiding in us will help to lead us to walk in His ways and not continue in our own sinful ways. The new nature He puts in us will want to be obedient to Him, and the fruit from the Holy Spirit that we are to add to our lives is the complete opposite of the sinful behaviors we previously walked in.
Again what is the word used in 1 John 5:5 ??? It is the word
Believe is not an inactive word and it does not refer to a past completed action, it is a continuous action !!!
When we come to Christ and put our trust in Him, that is not the end of the faith. It is only the beginning !!!