It's not clearly thought in the bible, what is clear, that if we abide in Christ, we are secure. In Romans 11, read Paul's comment on the cultivated olive tree, which is combination of Jewish believers and gentile believers. Why would Paul mention to the gentile believers to be careful, to beware of the severity of God, that if they didn't cling to the goodness of God they could be broken off as well? In order for a gentile to be broken off, they had to have been grafted into the tree to begin with.pancies
The fact is, there are scriptures that seem to support both positions. The problem is not that the bible has discrepancies, it's are faulty interpretations of what and why things are said.
I have seen this passage in Romans 11 be stated that it is referring to the whole group, this of course is a false rendering of that passage.
The reason being is if it referred to the whole group then the Apostles themselves could never have been saved, because it speaks of the Jews being cut off. Well if it refers to the whole group then the Apostles would have to be among those cut off.
No it is only referring to the unbelieving Jews who were cut off, not the Jews who put their faith in Christ.
The reverse also works the same way...................
A Gentile is only grafted in when they put their faith in Christ, we are not automatically grafted in before this is done.
Also if one Gentile believer stops placing their faith and trust in Jesus, that does not effect the rest of us Gentile believers who keep our faith and trust in the Lord.
In order for this to speak on the whole group then if one person loses faith and gets cut off, then we all would have to be cut off because of this one person's actions. Doesn't seem right when put forward in this proper perspective does it ???
What one person does, does not effect our stand in Christ unless we let it !!!