5 Atheist Questions Christans Can't Answer

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I actually have a couple questions along the same vein, though I don't want to seem disrespectful at all. I have no problem whatsoever with christianity and other religions in general, I love studying them in fact! I'm basically just trying to say I don't want any kind of argument, just a friendly discussion. But I've never really gotten a satisfying answer to one question that's really put me off from considering Christianity again.

I'm a Zen Buddhist, and to give a brief background of my tradition for context, we believe in something called "samsara," a cycle of life, death and rebirth. Similar to reincarnation, but not reincarnation per say, but I'll spare you the philosophy. The goal of Buddhism is to liberate oneself from this cycle, achieving "nirvana," which is the cessation of desire. When you reach this state, in my sect (Mahayana), instead of liberating yourself from samsara, you're supposed to stay in the cycle and help liberate others, until everyone has been freed of desire. These people are called Boddhisatvas. In a sense, they are postponing their own "salvation" (I use the term VERY loosely) to help others.

My question is, why does God save only those who believe and follow him? If flawed, imperfect humans are capable of willingly and knowingly making the decision to forsake their own enlightenment to save all of mankind, why does God play favorites? Most responses I get are that we just can't know the ways of God or that our morality doesn't really apply the same way to him, but if God does an action that by most standards is considered questionably moral at best, why does he get a free pass?

Again, I'm not trying to start an argument. Just a discussion. I've been here well over a year, I'm definitely not a troll :p I've just never gotten a good answer to this question from a Christian.
Your question ,to me, is very deep and may take longer to answer than people may know or care to spend the time with. The question isn't going nor can it be answered in one sentence. However, if I may, I would like to change your question just a little. Reason being is if the right question is asked then the proper answer can be given. I understand this was posted awhile back but I just joined to try and help you with your question. So here it goes.

Instead of the question being, "why does God save only those who believe and follow him?", I think you can get an actual answer if the question is,
"why does God choose to save anyone?"

Think about it if we have sinned against him and deserve hell, why does he save anyone? Why not just destroy us and start over or just never do it again?

I'm Glad you asked lol


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
Hi SirGeorgian... Welcome to CC!

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Yes lol I knew it was a long shot but I had to try


Your question ,to me, is very deep and may take longer to answer than people may know or care to spend the time with. However, I would like to change your question just a little. Reason being if the right question is asked then the proper answer can be given. I understand theirs was posted awhile back but I just joined to try and help you with your question. So here it goes.

Instead of the question being, "why does God save only those who believe and follow him?", it should be why does God choose to save anyone? Think about it if we have sinned against him and deserve hell, why does he save anyone?

I'm Glad you asked lol

We are Gods apex of creation, made in His image in order to bring him glory. We are sinful and because we are sinful we all deserve hell. In Genesis 3 God promises that the seed of woman will crush the serpent's head (I'm paraphrasing of course) this promise was a foreshadowing ,if you will, of Christ. You see Christ being part of the trinity became flesh being born of a virgin, 100% man and 100% God. He lived a sinless life and died in our place ,the sinful man, so that Gods anger and wrath would be satisfied. On the cross Christ died as a substitution. He took Gods wrath toward sin in our place. He died on the cross and was buried in a tomb wher he lay for three days. On the third day he rose from the dead and was seen by aroun 500 or so people, who most of them were alive still during the the time the New Testament was written btw, the he ascended into heaven being seated at the right hand of the father.

You see God saves us not because we have been good, not because we claim to follow him. He saves us because of the love that He [God] has for the Son [Christ]. We have salvation through the finished work of Christ. We must repent and have faith in the finished work of Christ.

I hope this helps and would love to continue this. I'm actually trying to practice expository apologetics lol.

Oh and BTW YouTube Voddie Baucham. He was a Buddhist.....and He, by Gods grace, is one of the greatest, in my opinion, expository apologetics ever. Besides Paul of course.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2011
I have two questions for atheists
1. Why do you bother asking questions about something you don't believe me anyway?
2. How are you so narcissistic to think your foolishness is worth even a second of my time?


I have two questions for atheists
1. Why do you bother asking questions about something you don't believe me anyway?
2. How are you so narcissistic to think your foolishness is worth even a second of my time?
1peter 3:15-16

matthew 28:16-20
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i love Matthew 5-7! However, you must read it all in context. Do you believe you are the light of the
The world? So you claim to light a lamp and hide it under a basket? Because of why? Do atheist offend you? John 15:18.
Are we claiming to be better than an atheist? I am nothing apart from Christ. (“"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”**Matthew‬ *5:43-48‬ *NASB‬‬)

can anyone serve two masters? If I claim Christ as my Lord and he tells me to go make disciples and I refuse, then who do I actually serve?

Now to the verse at hand Matthew 7:6. This is a contextual statement and cannot be read by itself. Read Matthew 7:1-7 and you find the proper context. Verse 7 tells us that if or when we judge, share the gospel, live holy lives, etc. we must ask God for His help, His wisdom. Verse 6 does not give me an "out" to sharing the hope that is in me.

If if it truly does give me an "out" as you claim then you are also claiming the bible condridicts itself! No?

the sermon on the mount in its entirety is calling Christians to a higher standard of righteousness. Not to keep us from the world.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2011
My point is that an atheist is already made up his mind they doesn't want to hear anything you have to say about God or the Bible so you may as well be talking to a brick wall. What good does it do to quote scripture to someone who doesn't believe the Bible anyway?


My point is that an atheist is already made up his mind they doesn't want to hear anything you have to say about God or the Bible so you may as well be talking to a brick wall. What good does it do to quote scripture to someone who doesn't believe the Bible anyway?
No no I get your point. Really I do. I even somewhat agree with what you are saying,Not every question is an honest question that deserves our attention. That's where the gospel comes in. I cannot say anything or do anything to bring people to understanding or faith. However, what I can do and must do is preach/teach the gospel so that the Holy Spirit can change their minds. So yes you are right in the fact that if I believe something I do has power then it is very much like talking to a brick wall, but if that power is in christ's finished work then how can you not believe it may be worth while? Look up Lee Strobel, he was an atheist who came to Christ. How did this happen? My mentor was an atheist, how did that happen?

Take myself or any other Christian for that matter....how did that happen?

And all men know there is a GOD according to Romans.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "B UT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”
**Romans‬ *1:16-25‬ *NASB‬‬


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2009
I have two questions for atheists
1. Why do you bother asking questions about something you don't believe me anyway?
Because I live in a world where people do believe in things that I don't and it is in my benefit to understand their position. Beyond that, sometimes it is just fun. I don't believe that anything in the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" actually happened, but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk about it with people.
2. How are you so narcissistic to think your foolishness is worth even a second of my time?
Generally I have found that the devoutly religious like to talk about their beliefs and why others should believe it as well. So it seems like it is a good assumption in most cases.


I answered all their questions. Still tired of it.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2011
I find atheist to be incredibly annoying. They are perpetually in this please debate me mode. They always demand that we explain to them why we believe what we believe or demand proof of what we believe. The fact that they think I would even take a millisecond of my time to care what they think about my believes just proves how delusional and self-important they are..


Dec 1, 2014
I find atheist to be incredibly annoying.
Change your outlook, I promise, you'll find it very liberating. Like I've said in previous posts, I enjoy talking to atheists; its like being at the zoo where you can feed the animals.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2016
Here's one:

Why is the only way to be saved through Christ - who appeared +/- 2,000 years ago - when humanity has been around for roughly 200,000 years?
First, I don't think we know that "humanity" has been around for 200,000 years, but I haven't kept up with all the latest and greatest claims of the evolutionary crowd. What I know is, that EVERY time "science" comes up with a new "missing link" that proves evolution, it turns out to be either fabricated, or just wrong.
There literally is NO evidence of mankind evolving from lower life forms.

"humanity" has been around for something like 3 or 4 thousand years (can't remember the exact number of years), starting with Adam..
The Bible is the written history of the family of Adam. Anything that happened before that has nothing to do with humanity, whether it be dinosaurs or space aliens making crop circles... ;)
I believe God created humanity with the intention that ALL people should be transformed (as much as individually possible) into His likeness. He gave us free will, allowing us to choose whether to follow his rules/commands/guidelines, knowing that some would, and some would not. (free will)

From Adam down to Jesus, humanity was saved by being as "good" as possible, and having their shortcomings periodically covered with animal sacrifice to God.

When God came to earth, to walk among us as a human, then became the once and final sacrifice for us, that allowed us to step into a relationship of being true "children" of God, sharing in Christ's sacrifice, and from then on being indwelt with the Spirit of God. If you are in that relationship, there is no more guilt, and no more "sacrifice" needed.

The good part about it? ANYONE can have it... it is free for the taking.


I've noticed a lot of these floating around lately, so I figured I'd take a shot at answering them. Some people feel that it is bad to go seeking the truth of God, which involves facing some of these seemingly difficult questions; actually, the Bible says to " test the spirits," to see if they are from God:
1 John 4:1

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

I believe that this is vital for the spiritual situation we are facing today; that is, tons of false prophets, different teachings, and different Biblical interpretations. To just settle for " just believe," seems to make us give in to whatever false teaching may come our way. Actually, this is the fuel atheist use in their rebuttles to Christianity, by exposing the lingering falsehoods that have poisoned Christianity after the death of the last apostle.

The goal of these questions is to cause one to doubt God, and to put Christians on the spot for being " illogical," for our seemingly fallible faith. In my church right now, we are learning how to defend our faith, because in doing so, it will help younger / newer members to get a deeper understanding and " hold onto their crown," as the Bible states it.

The assumption that has been made, is that God left us completely abandoned, without logic or an accurate path to salvation. Looking at the modern Christian world, it does seem like God is MIA, as no one can confidently identify the true path to God, amongst the millions of different trails that have been carved by mankind's established traditions.

God is not MIA, and left one incredible way for us to discern God's established truth, from the falsehood that has been brought on.

Atheist or non - believers, are always asking for some physical proof of God; well God left physical proof - you can touch it, see it...even eat it if you want. It's nothing new except what has been revealed in it -

That is, The Bible.

Questions Christians Can't Answer​

1.) Why would God place a forbidden tree in the garden so close to his innocent creation and allow Satan to tempt them into eating from it, all the while looking on without doing a thing to prevent it?

Genesis 2: 17

" but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it, you will surely die."

A common response is that God placed the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden, to give mankind freewill. Freewill was actually already inherently given after the creation; Adam and Eve were not puppets or manipulated; they freely did as they wished in the Garden of Eden. What God gave Adam and Eve, was a commandment - a simple one, do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; they were even warned by God, what would happen if they ate of the tree anyway, and that was death.

Both Adam and Eve knew the consequences beforehand, and had the freedom of will to obey or disobey. However, this is not a matter of freewill; God intended for Adam and Eve to eat from the tree, or else it would have never been placed in the garden. God knew way ahead of time that they would eat of it; God knew the Devil would tempt them...God created the Devil. God was in control of this entire enfolding of events and still is.

Some may think God cruel, but actually God began his perfecting of his creations the moment we, ( Adam and Eve represent the sinners on Earth metaphorically,) sinned. But why did God intend for us to consume the fruits of good and evil?

For our own understanding.

Take a look at life on Earth; my roommate is an Atheist, and she even noticed that the Earth consist of two outstanding forces; Good and Evil. Evil cannot be identified without Good, and Good cannot be understood without evil. Had the " tree" of knowledge never been consumed, how ignorant would we have been to everything? The Devil even toyed with Adam and Eve by making it seems as if God was hiding something from us; God wasn't hiding anything, God wanted us to gain the knowledge so we could be made into wholesome beings. We would have been like robots, forced to love God even though we could never truly understand love, for we never would have understood God's good, without witnessing the Devil's evil, which brings us to the next question;

2.)Since Adam and Eve didn’t know right from wrong before eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why did God then punish them for something they didn’t understand they were doing?

Okay, using this atheist's " logical" thinking -

Doesn't it mean that every single parent who has ever scolded, spanked, or punished their young child for doing something wrong, before that child knew it was wrong - is a wicked evil person? Mr. Atheist...your mom is so cruel for smacking you on the hand the first time you did something wrong. How dare she scold you and punish you so that you can gain the wisdom and insight to discern what is good and what is evil.

Worst mother in the world.

God is our FATHER / MOTHER, meaning PARENTS. We are spiritually children; Galatians, John, 1 John - tons of books in the Bible call God's people, " God's CHILDREN," and children need praise ( blessings,) and refinement ( punishment,) in order to be shaped into decent functioning beings. We do not get angry at the human parents who put their child in time out for bad behaviors the young child does not understand at first - so why is everyone trying to huff and puff at God for treating God's children the same way?

Had God not punished Adam and Eve - figuratively whom are the sinners on Earth; how would the sinners have known sin? How would we have known wrong and right? Good and Evil? We would have never known, which there would have been no point in our existence if all God wanted were brainless robots who cluelessly bowed down to a God they never could understand. God just allowed us understanding; is that really a terrible thing? Or a very necessary thing?

Notice to, that the forbidden tree was called, " The Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil."

Do you believe it was a coincedence that we come to learn of Good and Evil during our trial on earth, and the " tree " was named for this circumstance? Really...think about it...why are we really here on this planet...?

3.)If every complex design requires a designer, who designed God?

" If every complex design requires a designier -" Who's philosophy is that? Mankinds. We are truly limited by the bounds of our humanity if we so allow. To us, everything needs a start, everything needs a " designer," but how can we say that this is the same for God? God is on an entirely different level; God's ways are not our ways - thus we can not enforce our own perspective of " every design requires a designer," to a reality we have yet to fully understand.

This thinking is similar to how wars and feuds start because people get all arrogant in thinking that their particular way, is the only possible way of realism. Who are you to make such a statement, but a mere being built up of major subjective thinking?

4.)The Bible tells us that God isn’t willing that anybody should perish (2 Peter 3:9), but his holy word has been corrupted through the ages by mankind, so doesn’t that mean that God either allowed it to be corrupted, or he was unable to keep it from being corrupted?

A lot of people try to use this type of question to put God in a negative, contradictive light. What is not understood though, is that the Bible was directed for the understanding of a specific people; God's children. This spiritual " advice" that God gives through his word, are for those who are trying to make their way back to heaven. God does not want any of his children to perish, which is why the verse goes on to talk about God's patience before bringing destruction to the earth, in which those whom do not make it, will perish. God takes no pleasure in destroying people, but like learning the knowledge of good and evil, destruction is necessary for the refinement of God's children.

What if a parent tells their child not to do something; the child does it anyway, but faces no repercussions for the bad behavior? Or how about if a mass murderer goes around killing many people, yet there is no law to punish him? Spiritually, destruction is like the " spanking," or the " life - sentence," that sets a boundary for order and structure.
Romans 9:22

" What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath - prepared for destruction?

What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory."

God created some people for destruction; this was done to show God's power, mercy, and love, for those he created to be God's children. But how can a child understand a parent's love, unless they experience a time in which it has gone away? This world HATES God, and the Devil is the god of this world. Only when you see your parent's authority, do you understand it; only when you are refused their love, do you really desire it.

God was not cruel for creating the reality of evil, wickedness, and the wicked whom face destruction in the near future; this was all done for the benefit of those who will get to live, who will gain knowledge and understanding. Some find it cruel that there are a good amount of people who will perish - but the truth of everyone's spirit will be and currently is being exposed. Do not test God by thinking, " Well I'm a child of God so I'll be saved no matter what," or " Well I was made to burn in hell, so there's no hope."

Actually, we have no idea who is who until the time comes when you'll be faced with judgement; and I'm not talking about Judgement day. Just think though;

God has done nothing wrong nor cruel, except be beaten, spat on, and brutally hung on the cross to suffer for our sins; God has done nothing wrong except breathe life into us so we even have the chance to live.
God has done nothing wrong except allow us to become knowledgeable and insightful - knowing in a way similar to God as a child learns from it's parents.
God has done nothing wrong but allowed us to inherit heaven and eternal life.
God has done nothing wrong as God -

Yet there are millions of people who hate God for no clear reason - they don't believe in God's authority, so many false prophets of the churches go against teachings in the Bible - enforcing their own faux " Christian but not Christian at all," celebrations like Christmas and Easter, which have no relevance to God, except what the faux Christians have buttered it up with.

But aren't Christians suppose to be the Children of God?

Not necessarily. This is why God will expose who is really who, because anyone can proclaim they are a child of God, and not be one at all.

The Devil is in the churches. Just a heads up.

5.)If God is all-just, why does he punish/kill massive amounts of people throughout the Bible for the sins of one?

To clarify, " the sins of one," WE ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED FOR ONE MAN, ADAM'S SIN.

Adam and Eve is a parable - a very deep profound parable; each element is representative of something else revealed by the Bible:

We are being punished for our own individual sin we committed against God in heaven, before the earth was made ( Ecclesiasies 12:7, you can't 'return' to somewhere you've never been.)

Adam and Eve = Sinners on Earth
Romans 5:12

" Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because ALL sinned."

Death is a reality of Earth, as in heaven there is everlasting life. According to le Bible - death had to " come " to mankind, meaning it wasn't there before. It came through sin, and thus all had to sin at some point, in order to receive death as a reality.

Eden = Heaven
Ezekial 28: 13

" You were in Eden, the garden of God;


You were anointed as a gaurdian cherub -"

God was talking to the King of Tyre, a physical king who lived on Earth years ago, because he had become arrogant due to his power. In this passage, God says he was anointed as a " gaurdian cherub." A cherub is an angel. How could God anoint the king as an angel? Angels only live in heaven.

You can begin to put two and two together; really it's not that hard of a concept that we were thrown to the earth, from heaven, for sinning against God.

Better yet, why not ask yourself why everyone is born with " original sin" ?

How unfair would it be of God, to just make us all born with sin, and then kill us for not repenting. We had to commit original sin at some point in time, and the only other time we were with God, was in heaven. The Bible is full of accounts of this...and it logically makes sense.

What I enjoy about this question, is that the Atheist guy who asked it, bit his own tongue when he said; " God is all - just."

Justice means that there will be punishment for the offenders correct? People tend to get caught up in this lovey dovey, fantastical image of God that Christianity has mutilated pretty well.

God is a Judge, meaning God will convict when its time. People have convinced themselves that " love " means " no rules," in this over - liberated society. True freedom comes with true boundary; no one is free in anarchy, and spiritual anarchy has made us slaves to sin.

To sum up this question - God is not bad for punishing people; and so far God's been absolutely correct in doing so. What I don't get, is if we understand this, then why do people keep pushing God's buttons? Just let God be God; the only reason God is doing any of these actions, is ultimately for our benefit anyway.

Old thread brought to life again. The answers seem simple to me.

1)1.) Why would God place a forbidden tree in the garden so close to his innocent creation and allow Satan to tempt them into eating from it, all the while looking on without doing a thing to prevent it?

He did do something to prevent it! He told them not to eat of it ! Eat of any tree in the garden but if you eat of this tree you will surely die. Pretty clear.

2)Since Adam and Eve didn’t know right from wrong before eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why did God then punish them for something they didn’t understand they were doing?

They did know what they were doing! God told them no and they did it anyway!

If every complex design requires a designer, who designed God?

God is outside of time. God is uncaused and uncreated. Everything that has a beginning has a creator. God has no beginning nor end,therefore needs no creator.

The Bible tells us that God isn’t willing that anybody should perish (2 Peter 3:9), but his holy word has been corrupted through the ages by mankind, so doesn’t that mean that God either allowed it to be corrupted, or he was unable to keep it from being corrupted?

I dont believe the Bible is corrupted. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved this.I believe we have God message to us without corruption.

If God is all-just, why does he punish/kill massive amounts of people throughout the Bible for the sins of one?

The sin nature is in all of us. But God had a plan of redemption through Christ. Those who accuse God of being unjust dont understand His nature.They are using human emotions to judge God which is wrong.




Don't mind me. This thread is so old it needed dusting... and so I did.

Carry on.